The common notion among investors is that you need to take high risk to earn high returns in the stock market. And that low-risk stocks (i.e. Blue-chip stocks) do not give high returns.
The truth is such safe large-cap stocks often hit their Discount Price especially during a market fall and offer amazing investing opportunities!
'S&P CNX Nifty' is one such Index of the 50 Safe stocks which are the market leaders across 21 sectors. These Blue-chips are considered to be the barometers of the economy and come with a low-risk quotient.
To know more about Nifty 50 stocks, click here
Here's proof of how Nifty 50 stocks offered great returns in last 6 months,
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Nifty 50 Superstars offers you an exclusive space where every Nifty 50 stock comes with 'a COLOUR' and an MRP (real worth) so you instantly know which ones amongst them are the best to invest in.
Here, for each Nifty 50 company you will get the:
So,You will never miss a good investing opportunity again!
S&P CNX Nifty (also known as Nifty 50) is a well-diversified 50 stocks index of companies from 21 sectors of the economy. These stocks are considered to the barometers of the economy and are market leaders in their own sectors.