MoneyWorks4Me’s Best Undervalued strategy focuses only on very good quality companies that are undervalued or somewhat undervalued. However, these stocks are available at lower than their historical valuations during overall market corrections or some stock specific reasons. Both are opportunities for long term investors. The high standard of consistent performance on key parameters required to qualify as a Very Good Quality, Green stock gives the comfort that the chances of buying value traps is limited. However, patience is required to see the strategy play out.
This strategy is best suited for investors who are comfortable going contrarian to the market, prefer paying a price lower than historical valuation and waiting for the tide to turn. When that happens, the returns are likely to be very attractive since it comes with improved company performance and the market re-rating. However, since this cannot be predicted it is critical to have a portfolio and not limit to only a couple of stocks. At the same time if there is authentic news of poor governance it is recommended to exit the stock, as such risks are not factored in.
When a stock is Overvalued V+, it’s current valuation ratios are substantially higher than it’s long-term historical median and the strategy indicates it is in the sell zone. Investor can take a sell decision based on this. Experienced investors can use the Price Trend rating and the Price chart before taking the final decision to sell. Following this strategy in a disciplined manner is critical for success
A portfolio built with this strategy is likely to correct less than the Index and the upside in the longer term likely to be higher.
MoneyWorks4Me’s Best Fair Valued strategy focusses only on very good quality companies that are currently available at or around their fair value. This strategy prefers to buy at prices close to the historical valuations-fair value for a number or reasons.
This strategy is best suited for investors who are uncomfortable being contrarian and investing against the market but prefer to be invested in good quality stocks at reasonable prices and benefit from the company’s growth.
When a stock is Overvalued V+, it’s current valuation ratios are substantially higher than it’s long-term historical median and the strategy indicates it is in the sell zone. Investor can take a sell decision based on this. Experienced investors can use the Price Trend rating and the Price chart before taking the final decision to sell. Following this strategy in a disciplined manner is critical for success
MoneyWorks4Me’s 5 Star is an investing strategy that is optimised to give you the best possible combination between Quality, Valuation and Price Trend. The list will contain stocks which are excellent (green) on all 3 parametersQVPT represented as
Apart from these stocks, it will also include the following:
The essence of our optimisation is that if you are compromising on any one parameter, the other 2 parameters should compensate for it.
These are represented as
This strategy is best suited for investors want to invest when the combined tailwind of Quality, Valuation and Price Trend is working in favour of the stock.
When a stock is OvervaluedV+, it’s current valuation ratios are substantially higher than it’s long-term historical median and the strategy indicates it is in the sell zone. Investor can take a sell decision based on this. Experienced investors can use the Price Trend rating and the Price chart before taking the final decision to sell. Following this strategy in a disciplined manner is critical for success
Select the Universe - Index, Sector or Theme you want to invest in and the Investing Strategy-Best UnderValued, Best FairValue or 5 Star and you will get a list of stocks that currently qualify.
Select the ones that you want to invest in and Place order. Follow the steps and complete the buying on your broking account using Place Order. Your portfolio get auto-updated on MoneyWorks4me Portfolio Manager. You can SIP or buy more anytime as the list is updated everyday.
When any new stocks qualifies and enters your AlphaCase you will get an email as part of our SmartAlert. You can add these stocks to your portfolio. When any stock is overvalued you need to consider selling.
A mail is sent when rating changes for the stocks in your AlphaCase, Portfolio Manager and Watchlist. DeciZen rating are available in all these.
Alpha-Stocks is an intelligent System that enables you to make informed stock-investing decisions. Alpha-Stocks help you build your portfolio with the best opportunities and manage it to earn high returns consistently.
Alpha-Stocks uses data-driven analysis and intelligence to answer these 3 questions. It color-codes each stock as Green, Orange or Red. So, every stock on MoneyWorks4me comes with the three tags on QVPT to enable you to make an informed decision.
Follow this Simple Rule: Invest mostly in Green Quality stocks, when the Valuation is Green or Orange. Buy when the Price Trend changes from Red to Orange and even Green if the stock is not overvalued. Sell when Stocks is fully overvalued and Price Trend changes from Green to Orange or Red. At all other times there is no need to take any action. To find the list of stocks that qualify simply use AlphaCases.
You need to build a well-diversified portfolio with 25 to 30 stocks. Select an AlphaCases to build a portfolio of large Cap stocks of strong and resilient companies to ensure stable and steady growth and withstand market and economic cycles. This should be 50% to 70% of your equity portfolio. The rest you invest in AlphaCases that will help enhance your portfolio returns e.g. mid, small cap stocks or any sector and theme that you think has a bright future.
The All-Weather Stocks AlphaCase is designed for this purpose. It tracks the best resilient large cap stocks and you can build a strong and steadily compounding portfolio with stocks in this AlphaCase.
The system is designed to be easy to use and requires no prior investment experience. Start with the All-Weather Stocks AlphaCase. Read the Pocket Guide to Investing Successfully in Stocks and start. You will find many useful easy-to-use tools that help you make informed investing decisions.
Yes, AlphaCase works extremely well when you SIP. That's because every time you SIP you are investing in the set of stocks that pass the criteria on that day. This enables you to build your portfolio with the best quality stocks always bought at reasonable prices. This is a big advantage over buying an Index Fund, ETF or a Mutual Fund where you buy the entire portfolio, where some of the stocks are expensive.
You can see the performance of AlphaCases since its inception for the 3 variant investing Strategies in real time. You can also see how the relevant Benchmark Index has performed (starting date same as the Best Undervalued Strategy). AlphaCases has outperformed most of the time. For example Nifty50 has delivered negative 0.7, almost flat, between April 22 to April 23. AlphaCases 3 variants for Nifty50 have delivered 13%, 8% and 4%.
AlphaCases and AlphaStocks sets itself apart from other investing tools in several key ways:
Clear Process: It enables you to build and manage a stock portfolio of high-quality stocks bought at attractive price thereby generating high returns with low risk.
Data-Driven Transparent System: You get answers based on a proprietary, data-driven algorithm and you can see the key data that led to it in a transparent easy-to-understand manner.
Real time and Future-ready: AlphaCases monitors and analyses stocks in near real time ensuring that investors can make informed decisions with up-to-date information. You get alerts when rating change so you don't miss opportunities and taking action when required
Large access and Flexible: You have access to all AphaCases and choose what works for you. You can choose multiple AlphaCases to build your portfolio. In case only few opportunities are available in a particular one you can select an alternative.
User-Friendly Interface: AlphaCases is designed to be easy to use and accessible to investors of all levels of experience. The interface makes it easy for investors to make informed decisions at the level of portfolio and stocks.
Very attractively priced: AlphaCases is available at an amazingly low price making it accessible to a wider range of investors.
Overall, AlphaStocks with AlphaCases is intelligent, data-driven, easy-to-use, robust System that enables you to make informed decisions and invest successfully.