Alpha Curated Portfolio

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The Curated List will be update once a month, last updated on 20-Mar-2025.

Shortlisted Opportunities to Buy


Returns Since 18-Jun'24 (%) :




Stocks that pass the Alpha DeciZen criteria on quality and valuation. Stocks are shortlisted so that you can use to build a diversified portfolio of good quality stocks which are available at reasonable prices based on relative valuation.

You will find Large, Mid and Small Cap stocks from different Sectors in the Curated List. If you are a conservative to moderate profile select about 14 Large cap and 7 Mid & Small cap stocks. If your profile is Aggressive select about 10 Large cap and 10 Mid & Small cap stocks. Select a mix of stocks from different sectors while doing this and you will have a well-diversified portfolio.

A good start is to make an equal allocation to each stock. For a 20-stock portfolio this means 5% of the money you plan to invest using Alpha Stocks.

MoneyWorks4me does not encourage blindly following recommendations even if they come from well-known experts. It is focussed on creating solutions that enable investors make informed decisions and becoming a savvy investor. Alpha Stocks is designed to enable DIY investors make informed stock-investing decision with the help of clear insights derived from data. It enables you to invest in quality stocks at reasonable prices based on Relative Valuations. Smart tools are provided to make this easier and avoid making mistakes that can prove to be very costly. Alpha Curated Portfolio is an important tool to enable you to build your portfolio with ease using a curated short list provided by us.

You can easily get more decision-enabling insights about each stock by click on the stock name and checking out the 10-year Stock X-ray. Here you will find the most important company and stock performance related data analyzed and presented for easy understanding. Read this blog to understand how to use this more effectively.

Yes. Use the Add button on the My Buy List to do this.

You can use AlphaCases to do this with ease. You can also use Stock Screener.

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