Sensex 73828.91
200.85 (-0.27%)
All Stocks
This shows you all Top 200 stocks across market caps drawn primarily from NSE 200
Safest Stocks
These stocks have been 'significant value creators' consistently, i.e. the ROCE has been over 40% of WACC; and they have a Green 10 YEAR X-RAY. The Long Term Prospects are Green/Orange
Undervalued Stocks
This gives you the list of fundamentally good Stocks i.e. Both 10 YEAR X-RAY & Long- Term Prospects are Green or 1 Green & 1 Orange. These stocks are currently available at or below Discount price, hence attractively priced.
BUY Zone
  • Stocks with upside potential "More than 15% CAGR" and "10-15% CAGR" will appear under BUY Zone. MRP is a fair value estimate of a stock. Good stocks can be bought at MRP too.
  • Buy 15-20 stocks from BUY Zone to build a diversified portfolio.
  • Stocks with a "Green Flag" indicate positive outlook from a new product launch, new management or a favourable government regulation. Consider buying these ones on priority after that you can pick your favourite stocks in BUY Zone.
  • Few stocks with upside potential of "More than 15% CAGR" may not appear in BUY Zone. We will tag them with a "Red Flag" and share concerns for our negative outlook. You are free to act if you’re confident on medium term outlook.
  • Stocks with upside potential "Less than 6% CAGR" will appear under SELL Zone. (MRP ≠ Sell. Even at MRP, upside potential is 10-15% CAGR.)
  • Stocks get added in SELL Zone if we find upside is Less than 6% CAGR and outlook is Negative.
  • You can consider selling partially if stock shows upside potential of "Less than 6% CAGR".
My List
This gives you the list of your chosen stocks that you added from other lists so as to track for future investment decisions.
About Nifty 50
S&P CNX Nifty (also known as Nifty 50) is a well-diversified
50 stocks index of companies from 21 sectors of the economy.
These stocks are considered to be the barometers of the
economy and are market leaders in their own sectors.
Is it the Right Price?

MoneyWorks4me MRP is a fair value estimate of a stock, arrived through the assessment of long term profitability of a company. You can use it as an anchor for your buy/sell decisions.

Discounted Price or DP is arrived at by subtracting the required margin of safety (MoS) from the company’s MRP. MoS protects you from valuation errors, market volatility, etc in the stock market. You can buy wonderful companies at/near fair prices and other at a discount from MRP.

Is it the Right Time?

Upside Potential tells you our estimate of the possible five year upside of a particular stock at current price. Avoid stocks with low upside potential.

In some cases, available Flags will aid your decision by explaining the catalyst/deterrent to company growth.

Company Name
Is it the Right Stock
Is it the Right Price
Is it the Right Time
Name of the Stock
Long Term
Current Price
(Change %)
Timing Signal
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For a well-diversified portfolio, the best practice is to invest 3-5% in any stock and not more.

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