Check out the TRUE COLOURS of your Stocks, Now for FREE!

Finding investment worthy companies is the first important step for every investor. But we know that searching for such stocks can be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

At MoneyWorks4Me, the 10 YEAR X-RAY provides a fool-proof solution to this problem.

The 10 YEAR X-RAY of company colour codes it as Green, Orange or Red - so that one look at the 10 YEAR X-RAY tells you whether the stock is fundamentally Great, Good or Risky to invest in!

Best Indian Stock Market research| Indian Share Market analysis
Now, identifying a good company is as easy as interpreting the colours at a traffic signal!

Now, identifying a good company is as easy as interpreting the colours at a traffic signal!

So what are you waiting for? Register Now for FREE !

Find out the TRUE COLOURS of your favourite stocks..

And Get Started with the Safest Way of stock investing!

Have a stock in mind? X-RAY it Now! Register for Free Stock Research | Free fundamental Stock Analysis
Here's the 10 YEAR X-RAY of a Green Stock, that is Great to invest in!
Financial analysis|fundamental strength of stocks
What Customers think about 10 YEAR X-RAY?
"The web site is giving excellent 10 Year X- Ray and your price calculator is just superb. I have found the web site very useful for a novice as well as an experienced investor. I congratulate your research team for developing such useful and easy to understand fundamental analysis tools for stock investing."
Dr. Ajmera Chandravadan
Doctor (M.B.B.S, F.C.G.P, M.C.C.P),
MoneyWorks4Me Annual Member,

"The 10 Year X-Ray at is a great tool to identify whether the stock is worth investing. The Price Calculator is also very useful to know if the stock is overvalued or undervalued"....-
Tirumal Rao
MoneyWorks4Me Annual Member,

"The 10 Year X-Ray gives a complete view of a company in a single snapshot. No more going through long P&L and balance sheets is required to identify good companies."
Steven Colaco
MoneyWorks4Me Annual Member,

Who we are?
MoneyWorks4Me is India's first portal that takes the gamble out of stock investing. It makes stock investing, a safe option by applying the principles of fundamental analysis followed by successful investors worldwide. We believe stock investing is not rocket science; hence we demystify and simplify the process so that creating wealth through stocks is not just a possibility but a certainty for the retail investor. is a one stop shop for stock investing knowledge and research. It is validated by 1000s of our customers who says it is the best stock research portal because it is unbiased, simple and safe.

MoneyWorks4Me works with the agenda of helping you build a secure and prosperous financial future for yourself and your family. We can make your money work for you!