UPA government determined to take India to a select league of Middle Income Countries

23 May 2011 Evaluate

While presenting the UPA’s governments’ report card for year 2010-11, PM Manmohan Singh sounded quite satisfied on an economic growth rate of 8.5% in the past 7 years of his government. Talking on behalf of UPA government he said high prices still remain a major concern and implied at more steps to contain inflation, especially for the poorer and vulnerable section of society. UPA government would seek to hold food inflation through measures for higher production of various agriculture products while minimizing the impact of high fuel prices on ‘poor and vulnerable’ of the society.

At the same time UPA government presented a firm stance in the state of economy and pegged the average growth of economy between 2004-05 and 2010-11 at 8.5% and said the UPA government is determined to take India to a select league of “Middle Income Countries”.

Talking on the issue of governance and corruption Prime Minister Dr. Singh said, 'The developments have caused many concerned citizens to worry about the state of governance and the pervasiveness of corruption'.'These are legitimate concerns and the UPA government is determined to take corrective action. We will punish those that are guilty through the due process of law”. 

On high fuel price, PM said that, despite the high global prices government was committed to ensure availability of cooking fuels to the common man at affordable prices. While prices of petrol and diesel will be market determined, the overall impact on the poor and the vulnerable was being minimized, the report card said.

The report card being presented every year since UPA government came in power in2004, the PM Dr. Manmohan Singh also emphasizes that the government has taken many steps to improve production of agriculture commodities to contain inflation and intends to take more steps in future. Food inflation was a major concern in 2010-11. Singh further said the government would look to chart as an economic growth process that was 'socially inclusive and regionally balanced.”

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