Florist pleased by high prices of flowers

27 May 2011 Evaluate

In 2010, all agricultural commodities delivered good returns but the year was exceptionally good for flower growers. Maharashtra Flower Growers' Association stated that winter was exceptionally good this year for the floriculture sector.

During the winter marriage season roses were sold for about Rs 7 per stem. As compared to the previous year, the annual average price of a rose this year was higher by a couple of rupees. The industry witnessed some losses as export to Japan was stopped completely post-tsunami.

In domestic market, prices too have dropped to 50 paise to 75 paise per stem but the situation improved from April as stated by Talegaon Flower Growers' Association. In the summer, roses are being sold for Rs 3 to Rs 4 per stem.

The sales of the flowers also might have been affected by the growing trend of using artificial flowers in marriage halls for decorations. However, a small farmer who grew flowers on 10 guntas of land has earned an average income of about Rs 30,000 per month.

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