Government may revise downward its economic growth forecast

28 May 2011 Evaluate

The government is expected to revise its GDP forecast of 9% for the current financial year. The downward revision is expected because of the rising global commodity prices and high inflation. Earlier, many international and national organizations had also revised downward their forecast of growth on account of high inflation, the steepest being the Goldman Sachs that had cut growth estimate for the 2011-12 by over a percent to 7.8% from 8.7% estimated originally. Another international organization, OECD has projected the Indian economy to expand 8.5% in 2011-12, much lower than the growth of 9.6 percent witnessed in 2010-11 financial year. Two other international bodies, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank too had forecast that India's economy would grow at 8 per cent and 9 per cent, respectively. While, on the domestic front the Reserve Bank of India has reduced the growth target of Indian economy at about 8% in the current financial year after it increased the policy rates for the ninth time in over a year.

The mid-term review of the economy was due in October 2011, but the finance ministry has decided to review its forecast next month itself because of the fast changing economic conditions. Chief Economist Advisor Kaushik Basu said, “This year, because of changing global scenario and many other important organisations having downgraded India’s growth rate, we have decided that we would go back and take another look at our (GDP) numbers in mid-June”. However, Basu expects a small revision in the forecast. Finance Minister has also hinted that high inflation and any further rise in crude oil prices may pull down India’s economic growth to 8% from a projected 9%.

The Wholesale Price Index inflation marginally decreased to 8.66% in April from over 9.04 % in March but may accelerate again after the increase in petrol prices. The government is likely to increase the prices of diesel, kerosene and LPG, in order to reduce the revenue losses of Oil Marketing Companies.

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