In the run-up to the Karnataka Assembly elections, Union Home Minister Amit Shah is scheduled to visit the poll-bound state on Friday, March 24. Amit Shah will attend the Regional Conference with Southern States and Union Territories on the Smuggling of Narcotics and National Security. Shah will lay the foundation stone of Sehkar Samrudhi Soudh and inaugurate various development works of the cooperative ministry (Karnataka) in Kommaghatta village, Bengaluru. He will also unveil the statues of Kempegowda, the founder of Bengaluru and Basaveshwara, a Lingayat social reformer, in front of the Vidhana Soudha, the state assembly. The visit of Amit Shah is significant amid the party's push to return to power in the key southern state. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the state on March 25. During his visit, Modi will inaugurate the Whitefield Metro Line and participate in programmes organised in Chikkaballapura, Bengaluru, and Davangere districts.
BJP, which aims to come back to power in the state with an absolute majority this time, has set a target of winning at least 150 of the total 224 seats in the Assembly. Karnataka is set to go into Assembly polls in May this year.