Chief Minister (CM) Arvind Kejriwal today said the Centre’s ordinance on the control of services in Delhi places the chief secretary (CS) above the Cabinet and the AAP Government will raise the issue in the Supreme Court (SC).
Following the first meeting of the National Capital Civil Services Authority (NCCSA), Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said powers of the elected government have been snatched through the ordinance. He alleged that the ordinance places officers above the ministers, the chief minister and the cabinet. In this way, BJP wants to run the Delhi government by stealth after losing the election. Delhi CM said that they will present all these matters in the SC and hopeful that will get relief from the SC.
Arvind Kejriwal also called the newly constituted body ‘futile’ exercise and a ‘conspiracy’. He said a few days before the NCCSA meeting, he received a file regarding the suspension of an officer. ‘I put down a few queries but the file never came back to me. The file was sent to the lieutenant governor and the officer was suspended saying that two members (of the NCCSA) have approved. The NCCSA is futile,’ he said. Kejriwal also said that the first agenda of the opposition meet on June 23 will be the Centre's ordinance.