The Lok Sabha (LS) today passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 by a voice note amid uproar by Opposition parties over Manipur violence issue. The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 lays out procedures on how corporations and the government itself can collect and use information and personal data of India’s citizens. It aims to protect the privacy of Indian citizens while proposing a penalty of up to Rs 250 crore on entities for misusing or failing to protect the digital data of individuals.
Moving the Bill for consideration and passage, Minister for Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw said opposition members are not worried about the rights of the citizens of this country, which is why they are busy sloganeering. He also urged the House to pass the Bill unanimously. Vaishnaw tabled the bill in the Lok Sabha on August, 03. Despite calls from the opposition to refer the bill to the standing committee for further examination, Vaishnaw defended its nature as a ‘normal bill’ and moved it for discussion.