BJP women MPs today met Lok Sabha Speaker (LS) Om Birla and filed a complaint against Rahul Gandhi over his in appropriate gesture’ (flying kiss) towards Union Minister Smriti Irani when she was addressing the House. The BJP MPs demanded ‘stringent action’ against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for behaving in an ‘indecent manner’.
In a complaint submitted by union minister Shobha Karandlaje, signed by 21 female BJP members, it was alleged that Gandhi behaved in an ‘indecent manner’ which not only ‘insulted the dignity of women members in the House, but also brought disrepute and lowered the dignity of this august House’. The signatories to the complaint included Shobha Karandlaje, Darshana Vikram Jardosh and Debasree Chaudhuri.
Speaking on the incident, Karandlaje said ‘This is the first time we have seen such behaviour from an MP in the House. He made a gesture of a flying kiss at women MPs in the House....It is unacceptable’. Congress leader Manickam Tagore said Smriti Irani was consumed by ‘Rahul phobia’ and she should try to get rid of it. Smriti Irani called the gesture an ‘undignified conduct’ not seen ever before in Parliament of the country. The alleged incident, which was not caught on camera, took place as Smriti Irani’s address was being delivered and the Congress leader was leaving the Lok Sabha’s premises.