Commenting on the parliamentary proceedings, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar today said that the Constituent Assembly faced no disruptions ‘even for a day’, though it debated more complex issues.
Speaking during a program at Sainik School in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, Dhankhar said that there were no disturbances in the Constituent Assembly even for a single day or moment. In that context, parliamentary disruption is a matter of concern in the present times. He said, ‘As the chairman of Rajya Sabha, I express my pain. The Constituent Assembly that gave us the Constitution held several meetings for around three years. The issues before it were divisive and complex as compared to the matters in the present, but all those were solved by deliberations’. The vice president also hailed the Indian judicial system and said no one should be allowed to act as a loose cannon and secure justice by taking to streets. Dhankhar also motivated students to be disciplined, not have fear of failure and keep national interest above all.