The Karnataka government will launch on Wednesday a scheme provides Rs 2,000 monthly financial assistance to more than one crore women who are heads of their family. The launching ceremony will attend by AICC president Mallikarjun Kharge and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the district headquarters town of Mysuru.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that about one lakh people would gather at the function, where the scheme would be launched by Kharge, while he would preside over the event and Gandhi would be present. He further said the government has already implemented three of the five 'guarantees' (pre-poll promises) -- 'Shakti', 'Gruha Jyothi' and 'Annabhagya' -- and noted that 'Gruha Lakshmi' is the fourth one. CM said last week that eligible 1.08 crore women would directly get Rs 2,000 a month to the bank accounts. The government has earmarked Rs 17,500 crore for the 'Gruha Lakshmi' programme in the current financial year, CM added. Women who belong to BPL or Antyodaya Category are eligible to apply online. Women Taxpayers or if their husband pay taxes are not eligible for the scheme.