The Supreme Court (SC) today directed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Raghav Chadha to meet the Rajya Sabha (RS) Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar in view of his suspension from the house over the allegations of forging signatures of MPs. The court suggested the Chadha seek an unconditional apology to get his suspension from the House revoked.
SC said that the path of apology is appropriate for the settlement of this matter and hoped that Chairman would take a ‘sympathetic’ view of the matter. A bench comprising Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, Justice JB Pardiwala, and Justice Manoj Misra noted that Chadha was the youngest and a first-time member of the Parliament. After the court's order, his lawyer on behalf of Raghav Chadha said that Raghav Chadha is ready to tender an unconditional apology to the President. It was also stated that in the whole matter, AAP MP Raghav Chadha had no intention to attack the dignity of the House.
Raghav Chadha has been under suspension since August 11 after a compliant from some MPs for proposing their name for a committee of the House without their consent. The RS Chairperson suspended Chadha pending the inquiry by the Privileges Committee following a resolution passed by the house. After being suspended from the RS for an indefinite period, AAP MP approached the SC. The court said that it will hear the plea after the Diwali breaks.