NSE Corporate Bonds Trading report

07 Jun 2024 Evaluate
As per the NSE data, PIRAMAL CAPITAL & HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED 8.8 NCD 30DC24 FVRS1LAC currently trading at Rs 99.9478 with YTM Annualized of 9.0000% was in maximum demand followed POWER FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED SR 238 7.55 BD 15AP27 FVRS1LAC currently trading at Rs 99.6895 with YTM Annualized of 7.6625%, INDIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY LIMITED SR XVI-A 7.50 BD 05JU34 FVRS1LAC currently trading at Rs 99.9600 with YTM Annualized 7.5016%, and HDFC BANK LIMITED SR 2 7.86 BD 02DC32 FVRS1CR currently trading at Rs 100.0700 with YTM Annualized of 7.8298%.

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