Kharif crop sowing rises 2% to over 1065 lakh hectare so far

28 Aug 2024 Evaluate

The total sown area under kharif crop as on August 27, 2024 stood at 1065.08 lakh hectare as compared to 1044.85 lakh hectare during the corresponding period of last year, i.e. up by 1.94%. Commodity-wise, paddy sowing is done in 394.28 lakh hactare area in current year 2024. In last year 2023, paddy sowing was at 378.04 lakh hactare area. 

Pluses was sown in 122.16 lakh hactare area in current year. In 2023, Pluses sowing area stood at 115.55 lakh hactare. Pulses comprising mainly Arhar, Uradbean, Moongbean, Moth bean, Kulthi and others. 

Shree Anna & Coarse Cereals grains were sown in 185.51 lakh hactare area during current year. In 2023, they have been sown in 177.50 lakh hactare area. Shree anna and coarse grains includes Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Small millets, Maize. 

Further, the sowing of oilseeds, including groundnut, soybean, sunflower, Sesamum, Niger, Castor and others, done in 188.37 lakh hactare area in current year 2024. Jute & Mesta sowing stood at 5.70 lakh hectares in the current year. Sugarcane farmers have so far sown crops across 57.68 lakh hectares area. Cotton sowing area stood at 111.39 lakh hactare in 2024.

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