Govt to infuse 4,156 cr in seven banks

21 Feb 2011 Evaluate

The government will infuse fresh capital aggregating 4156 crore in seven state run banks by subscribing to their preferential issues Indian Overseas Bank will receive 1054 crore, UCO Bank - 940 crore, Syndicate Bank- 635 crore, Andhra Bank - 618 crore, United Bank of India- 308 crore, Corporation Bank - 309 crore and Allahabad Bank - 292 crore.

The boards of directors of all the seven banks have approved the preferential allotment to the government. The capital infusion will enable these banks to boost their capital adequacy ratio. The allotment of capital in the form of preferential allotment will also raise the government’s stake in these banks marginally between two to four per cent.

The government announced capital infusion of 15,000 crore into public sector banks during the current fiscal to ensure that these entities are able to attain a minimum 8% Tier-I capital by March 31.

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