Deposit mop-up gathers pace

10 Feb 2011 Evaluate

Banks raised Rs 37,730 crore deposits in the fortnight ended January 28, the highest since November. According to the latest data released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), deposit growth in the last one year has been close to 16 per cent while credit has grown 23 per cent. During the fortnight, deposit mobilisation was higher than the loan disbursements of Rs 15,347 crore.

With most banks raising deposit rates this month, bankers expect deposit mobilisation to gain further momentum. In the third quarter review of the monetary policy on January 25, the central bank had raised concerns over the high incremental credit-deposit ratio and asked banks to beef up deposit mobilisation to match the loan off take.

The gap in the growth of credit and deposit is more than what the central bank had projected. The growing gap between credit and deposit could lead to an asset-liability mismatch for banks. RBI had projected 20 per cent and 18 per cent growth in credit and deposit, respectively, for the current financial year.

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