SBI cuts interest rates on loans to select farm sub-segments

30 Dec 2010 Evaluate

In a bid to bulk up its agriculture loans portfolio in the last quarter of the financial year, State Bank of India has cut interest rates on loans for borrowers in select sub-segments within the agriculture sector by as much as 400 basis points. The agriculture sub-segments which can avail the concessional finance are high value dairy, poultry, horticulture projects and construction of warehouses/rural godowns and cold storages.

As against the prevailing card rates of between 12.10 per cent and 14.85 per cent, the bank will offer new loans to these borrowers at 10-10.5 per cent till March-end. Interest rates on these loans would be reset every year. Term loans and working capital limits for setting up high value dairy projects, as also small dairy borrowers with herd size of 10 cattle and above and having tie-up with reputed milk processers for assured buying arrangement would be given loans at the rate of 10 per cent.

SBI expects to grow its agriculture loans portfolio by about Rs 1,500 crore in the January-March 2011 quarter by charging concessional interest rates on select sub-segments within the agriculture sector. The bank had an outstanding agriculture loans portfolio of about Rs 71,000 crore as of November-end 2010.

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