How to Invest in Stocks and Create Wealth?

Choose Quality-at-Reasonable-Price Way of Investing

Choose Quality-at-Reasonable-Price

Quality-at-Reasonable-Price, QaRP is a way of investing most suited for retail stock investors.This method ensures you invest exclusively in quality companies. Buying quality stocks at reasonable prices reduces the chances and extent of a fall in your net worth, recovers fast after corrections and thereby dramatically increases your chances of staying invested. Wealth is the natural outcome of staying invested and compounding growth of your investment. There are other ways of investing in stocks that can create wealth. However, they demand higher risk taking ability, higher tolerance to volatility and loss, higher willingness to book paper/real losses, higher patience than what most of us have.

Identify Quality Companies

Identify Quality Companies

Quality-companies are those that have delivered profitable results consistently and withstand tough market and economic conditions. Hers’s what we look for:

  1. A proven track record across key ratios over 10 years.
  2. Companies with a moat-competitive edge.
  3. Trustworthy Management and Promoters.

Assess Reasonable Price

Assess Reasonable Price

Reasonable price is very subjective and hard to prove. Consumers solve this problem by using an ‘anchor’, a price they use for comparing. We do it all the time- when we buy vegetable and fruits or judge the prices charged by a restaurant or a hotel. ...Read more

Reasonable versus Cheap:

  • Reasonable is not Cheap. Some quality companies almost always trade at very high P/E and P/BV. However, sometimes they are pretty close to fair value and hence reasonably priced.
  • Cheap is not always reasonable. Sometimes stocks are cheap for a reason and remain low for long thus giving very poor returns to the investor.

Build a Portfolio of about 20 stocks

Build a Portfolio

Retail investors should build a diversified portfolio of about 20-25 stocks. This ensures good returns; which one expects from investing in stocks directly without high volatility that happens in a concentrated portfolio.

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