Hindustan Zinc Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 500188 | NSE: HINDZINC | Metal - Non Ferrous | Large Cap

Hindustan Zinc Share Price

387.50 -3.25 -0.83%
as on 03-Mar'25 16:59

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on Hindustan Zinc

Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation

Somewhat overvalued

3. Price Trend

Hindustan Zinc stock performance -

P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
1,63,731.1 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Hindustan Zinc Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Hindustan Zinc Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Hindustan Zinc Ltd is a good quality company.

2. Is Hindustan Zinc Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Hindustan Zinc Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Somewhat overvalued zone.

3. Is Hindustan Zinc Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Weak which suggest that the price of Hindustan Zinc Ltd is likely to Fall in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Hindustan Zinc:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Hindustan Zinc Ltd has performed well in majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is very good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 23.8%21.4%27.3%34.1%29.3%22.1%27.3%37.4%50%46%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 14,78814,18117,27322,08221,11818,56122,62929,44034,09828,93431,430
Sales YoY Gr.--4.1%21.8%27.8%-4.4%-12.1%21.9%30.1%15.8%-15.1%-
Adj EPS 2018.71921.318.315.818.322.724.818.422.1
YoY Gr.--6.5%1.4%12.3%-14.1%-13.8%15.8%23.9%9.6%-26.1%-
BVPS (₹) 102.688.572.985.179.595.476.581.130.636.124.4
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops. 5,5316,4517,5889,8008,7816,62110,56712,69115,16613,343-
Debt/CF from Ops. 00100.


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales 7.7%6.5%8.5%-15.1%
Adj EPS -1%0%0.1%-26.1%
Share Price 8.3% 18% 6.5% 24.1%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

Return on Equity has increased versus last 3 years average to 73.20%

Debt to equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 0.58

Sales growth has been subdued in last 3 years 8.54%

Net Profit has been subdued in last 3 years 0.11%

Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 9.15%

Latest Financials - Hindustan Zinc Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 22.1 22.2
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 31,430 31,497
BVPS (₹.) 24.4 24.4
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 21,691 9,453
P/BV 15.91 15.90
PE 17.52 17.44
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 285.00 / 807.00
All Time Low / High (₹) 0.42 / 807.00
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 1,63,731
Equity (₹ Cr.) 845.1
Face Value (₹) 2
Industry PE 15.3

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Sales (₹ Cr.) 7,286 -127,893 117,994 20.88,257 16.8
Adj EPS (₹) 4.8 -21.25.6 19.75.6 35.86.3 30.1
Op. Profit Mgn % 50.15 -128 bps50.06 298 bps51.34 392 bps53.99 418 bps
Net Profit Mgn % 27.05 -338 bps29.00 195 bps28.59 302 bps30.94 306 bps

Management X-Ray of Hindustan Zinc:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:63.42%Institutions:33.43%Non-Institutions:3.16%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec2454%56%58%60%62%64%66%
Pledged *86.0587.5987.5999.3798.3598.3598.3599.0495.4293.50
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of Hindustan Zinc

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Base EPS
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MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
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MOS (%):
Expected EPS Growth Rate:
Base 0%
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Base 0%
Future PE:
Base 0
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
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YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

Hindustan Zinc: SELL - 29 Jan 2016

We had given BUY on Hindustan Zinc Limited on 24th August 2015 at price of Rs123. We generated SELL at price of ~Rs168-170 on 28th January 2016 translating into returns of 35-37% returns.

When we gave a buy we saw that Hindustan Zinc Ltd had strong balance sheet. We believed that the Zinc prices would hold some floor in global commodity rout likely reason being that the reserves across the world are depleting and Zinc prices adjust upwards as soon as a mine goes off the block. The strong Zinc prices will move the stock up.

We were certain that the returns would be in the range of 20-25% over 12-18 months if our hypothesis pans out well. Worst case, we do not earn anything as downside was very limited. Luckily, the stock moved up faster than expectations. So we generated SELL at Rs168-170 capturing more than expected returns in very short time.

We believe that in some situations even if the MRP of the stock is higher, it is wise to sell the stock below that for certain reasons. These situations might be missing a ‘catalyst’ or ‘event’ that is supposed to drive the undervalued stock to its MRP. On some occasions, the stock may not reach its MRP due to uncertainty of future event, so it is better to capture the gains.

In this particular case, Vedanta Ltd desires to acquire the company at Rs165 levels from the government. However, there is still some uncertainty around the time horizon. So the market ‘may’ not purchase stock above Rs165 as that becomes a pseudo cap to the stock price. That explains our SELL decision.

To cite another example involving a catalyst. We always knew that Torrent Power was undervalued at Rs150-170 based on net asset value, still we did not generate BUY signal. But since the gas supply to the power plants was not available, there was no reason that the gap between stock price and MRP would close any time soon. As soon as the gas supply started [source: company filings] (read catalyst), we recommended a BUY twice, September and December. Since then it has given 30% returns.

As you can see few stocks perform in very short time but a few take longer. Mix of such stocks ensures our portfolio is growing at a certain rate.

Hindustan Zinc: Not just a disinvestment story - 29 Jul 2013

n September, Vedanta had submitted an improved offer to buy the residual stake of Government of India (GoI) in Hindustan Zinc. Vedanta had offered about USD 3.38 Billion for remaining 29.5% stake of GoI in HZL. This values HZL at about Rs. 147.2 per share.

 On the backdrop of this, the stock rose to a high of Rs. 146.80 on 18th December, 2012. But by April, 2013,  with no decision from GoI  in sight, the stock price seems to have fizzled out the momentum seen in early December and hit a low of Rs. 106.90 on 17th April, 2013, hitting our discount price.

It’s pertinent under such cases, to review the case for Hindustan Zinc. Hindustan Zinc presents a very interesting story in the Metals and Mining space. On one hand, it has extremely efficient operations and plans to expand its capacity by 20% over next 3 years, while, on the other hand, there is a good possibility of the stake sale to take place, which would automatically trigger open offer for Hindustan Zinc Limited leading to delisting and amalgamation of HZL into Sesa-Sterlite. Our valuation method has to look at the investment rationale from both the angles due to these two issues, given here:

1. Disinvestment of Government stake, and

2. What if disinvestment does not takes place.

As stated earlier, while the Government has already been given an offer by Vedanta management for stake purchase at Rs. 147.2 per share, there is a large uncertainty with respect to when the stake sale will actually take place. Therefore, our current MRP seeks to ask what would be HZL's value if stake sale does not take place. It must be noted over here that it’s not surprising to find that value of HZL, without stake sale, comes out as much higher than the one offered to the Government if it would have been, otherwise there would be no interest of Vedanta to buy the stake at a much higher price. However, our MRP must be taken with an understanding that if the stake sale does happen, the realised gain would be much less than it would be without stake sale.

Uncertainity around disinvestment of stake in HZL by Government of India:

Given the larger fiscal deficit that GoI is staring at, it’s likely that it would seek to balance its fiscal largesse with a disinvestment program; and Hindustan Zinc provides the best opportunity to the Government to meet its disinvestment target easily. Once GoI decides to disinvest its stake in Hindustan Zinc it can do so using either OFS (Offer for Sale) route or by taking up Vedanta on its offer. Unlike GoI’s other recent stake sale through OFS, Hindustan Zinc would attract considerable interest by market participants and, hence, it is likely to be successful. In either case, a decision to disinvest GoI stake would be significant event for HZL and would give a flip to its share price. The method of disinvestment would decide how much gain, Investors would see in the medium term (Vedanta route) and in long term (OFS route).

But unlike other disinvestments, complete disinvestment of HZL would not be a cake walk for GoI. First to disinvest its stake from Hindustan Zinc it would have to amend Metal Corporations Act 1965. This would require a bill to be passed by both the houses of parliament. While this would have been possible few years back; given the small political capital, that the current dispensation at the centre has, it needs to be seen if they are willing to go ahead with it.

In our assumption, most likely Finance Ministry would push for Cabinet to take up this issue as stake sale of HZL would be extremely crucial for the Ministry to meet its fiscal deficit targets. Plus a large stake sale like HZL would also be seen as a reformist step in current economic climate. But we also believe that unlike its public posturing, Finance Ministry would be open to both stake sale to Vedanta (its public stand) and OFS.

An OFS of Government stake in HZL by GoI would mean that Vedanta’s takeover of HZL and amalgamation of HZL in to Sesa Sterlite would be delayed. And under this backdrop it is pertinent to look at HZL without the stake sale as an investment thesis also.

Rational for investment in Hindustan Zinc without consideration of stake sale

Zinc Prices: Historically Zinc prices have gone through five distinct phases which were responsible for large price changes/trends in Zinc prices as shown in the graph below. (Red circles identify falling trends, Green circle identify rising and sideways trends.)

Click the image to make it larger

To understand what would be the possible future course of zinc price, it’s pertinent to understand how will be the supply and demand scenario for Zinc. The graph below shows that Zinc would move in to deficit in 2015.

This movement to supply deficit is driven largely because of the closure of historically large mines. The ores from these large mines also had a high metal content. So on one hand large mines are been replaced with smaller mines with higher cost of production while on the other hand the metal content in the ores is much lower than mines that are getting closed.

We believe this supply deficit will more than compensate for weakness in demand because of slower world growth and would give support to Zinc prices in 2014-16. This condition is similar to what the world experienced in 2004-2006 when Zinc markets saw supply deficit which resulted in Zinc prices increasing by 4 times. Since 2007 the production of Zinc was more than the demand and this has led to weaker Zinc prices.

To be sure last time when this happened, there were three things going on for Zinc:

1.       Zinc markets were in deficit.

2.       China in 2004-06 expanded its capital investment at a phenomenal rate which resulted in high demand for Base metals: Iron, Nickel, Lead and Zinc.

3.       Loose monetary policy globally post 2000-01 recession.

This time we are seeing only two of the three things that happened last time, as it’s likely that China would see slower growth in future and a possible hard landing. As China consumes nearly 50% of global Zinc production, a slowdown in China will have material impact on Zinc prices. Nevertheless, we believe that the supply deficit and loose monetary policies by Central Bankers will have more impact than slowdown in China.

 Here it should be noted that even though China would continue to grow slowly it would continue to need about 10 million housing units over next 2 decades to meet is urban housing demand and this would continue to keep supporting Zinc demand from China. This expectation of ours have been boosted by news reports from China that the new leadership is looking at abolishing Hukou system that has been in place in China since 1958 and has been highly criticised for slowing the urbanization of China. This is a vital reform that will boost China’s urbanization campaign and drive consumption-led growth over long term.

Hindustan Zinc has one of the world’s lowest cost fully integrated Zinc operations. This allows HZL to have a profit margin of at least 40-45%. This supply deficit would help company in realising more revenues per tonne of refined Zinc, leading it to see higher revenue growth and, hence, profits. At the same time HZL is also planning to expand its mining capacity by 20%. Much of this capacity will come on stream in 2014-15; just in time as Zinc markets are expected to go in to deficit.

At current market price, the HZL has Mcap of about Rs. 48000 Crores and it has about Rs. 18000 Crores of cash with no debt. This leads us to believe HZL would be one of the prime beneficiaries of Zinc supply deficit. We suggest investors to look at HZL through this perspective and whenever market believes that disinvestment is not going through and share prices fall, there is a case for contrarian investor with long term outlook to invest in HZL.

Caution: Given the uncertainity surrounding the stake sale and weakness in recnet times around Chinese economic performance we think there would be a general weakness in all the commodity companies as such. Hindustan Zinc will also get impacted by such market sentiments. Our analysis suggest that this can impact the share price of Hidnustan Zinc by 20% (or  lead to share price of Rs 80). We think this is a great time period to use the weakness in the share price to buy in to stock at low valuations.

Key Ratios of Hindustan Zinc

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Company Name CMP(₹)
Change ₹(%)
Market Cap
Net Sales (₹ Cr.)
Latest EPS (₹)
Net Profit Margin %
Latest P/E
Latest P/BV
Hindalco 636.6 2.2 (0.4%) Large Cap 2,15,962 61.8 4.7 10.3 1.2
Vedanta 409.3 14.5 (3.7%) Large Cap 1,43,727 32.9 4.5 12.4 3.8
Hindustan Zinc 387.5 -3.3 (-0.8%) Large Cap 28,934 22.1 26.8 17.5 15.9

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 7,6617,5297,5349,81210,4489,71410,95713,21416,58615,273
Manufacturing Costs5,4955,8926,4877,8818,7918,6619,25211,90414,93313,770
Material Costs388235-314498-64-291239-278-143-156
Employee Cost 842774722776905689760717843826
Other Costs 936628639657816655706871953833
Operating Profit 7,1286,6529,73912,27010,6708,84711,67216,22617,51213,661
Operating Profit Margin (%) 48.2%46.9%56.4%55.6%50.5%47.7%51.6%55.1%51.4%47.2%
Other Income 3,1402,7632,4741,7161,7821,9341,8191,2161,3821,103
Interest 2417202246113112386290333955
Depreciation 6447451,8111,4831,8832,2792,5312,9173,2643,466
Exceptional Items -30-300240000-13400
Profit Before Tax 9,5708,62310,20012,49710,4568,39010,57414,10115,29710,343
Tax 1,3924481,8843,2212,5001,5852,5944,4714,7772,556
Profit After Tax 8,1788,1758,3169,2767,9566,8057,9809,63010,5207,787
PAT Margin (%) 55.3%57.6%48.1%42.0%37.7%36.7%35.3%32.7%30.9%26.9%
Adjusted EPS (₹)19.419.419.722.018.816.118.922.824.918.4
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)23%144%149%36%106%102%113%79%303%71%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 43,35337,38530,80535,93233,60540,31032,31334,28212,94215,233
Share Capital 845845845845845845845845845845
Reserves 42,50836,54029,96035,08732,76039,46531,46833,43712,09714,388
Minority Interest0000000000
Long Term Debt0000004,3122,1111,5004,246
Short Term Debt007,90802,5386112,1612898,5371,911
Trade Payables6319318249471,1741,4881,5452,0382,0862,102
Others Liabilities 5,00812,3819,5103,8453,2162,7444,3385,95110,38910,412
Total Liabilities 48,99250,69749,04740,72440,53345,15344,66944,67135,45433,904

Fixed Assets

Gross Block14,55116,52417,90420,65725,84129,61132,29235,36438,08941,741
Accumulated Depreciation5,1046,1397,9119,35511,06313,14215,48417,96820,52723,795
Net Fixed Assets9,44610,3859,99311,30214,77816,46916,80817,39617,56217,946
CWIP 2,0052,4283,0713,2202,2542,4891,9222,0752,1651,638
Investments 27,25435,22123,78320,22219,48820,32912,95715,05210,10710,452
Trade Receivables659107136184196379406716380161
Cash Equivalents 3,532538,3801,964231,9189,3765,7631,412173
Others Assets4,8851,4451,7482,4532,2501,7341,7751,7161,9661,610
Total Assets 48,99250,69749,04740,72440,53345,15344,66944,67135,45433,904

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 5,5316,4517,5889,8008,7816,62110,56712,69115,16613,343
PBT 9,5708,62310,20012,49710,4568,39010,57414,10115,29710,343
Adjustment -2,101-1,982-382-1862144831,1102,1802,4533,358
Changes in Working Capital 951632108517671-1117638-11995561399
Tax Paid -2,033-1,822-2,338-3,028-2,560-1,135-1,755-2,391-3,140-1,757
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -3,807-3,23612,0072,396-1,092-2,648-2,4358466,525-3,405
Capex -1,611-1,533-1,987-2,723-3,341-3,618-2,427-2,968-3,470-3,488
Net Investments -2,964-2,21213,6674,6201,996447-1,5152,8788,665-133
Others 7685093274992535231,5079361,330216
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -1,902-3,214-11,266-18,612-9,630-2,098-9,697-12,258-23,224-9,946
Net Proceeds from Shares 0000000000
Net Proceeds from Borrowing 0000005,016-2,2047963,330
Interest Paid -24-10-194-243-208-170-244-332-287-1,029
Dividend Paid -1,879-3,204-18,972-10,469-11,9580-15,972-7,606-31,901-5,493
Others 007,900-7,9002,536-1,9281,503-2,1168,168-6,754
Net Cash Flow -17818,329-6,416-1,9411,875-1,5651,279-1,533-8
ROE (%)20.2520.2524.3927.822.8818.4121.9828.9244.5555.28
ROCE (%)23.7621.427.3434.1429.3322.0627.2637.4450.0445.95
Asset Turnover Ratio0.360.310.380.50.520.430.50.660.850.83
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)0.680.790.911.061.10.971.321.321.441.71
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days12923366763
Inventory Days27272927253326212024
Payable Days5371,213-1,020649-6,048-1,6692,316-2,352-5,263-4,899

Hindustan Zinc Ltd Stock News

Hindustan Zinc Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Hindustan Zinc on 03-Mar-2025 16:59 is ₹387.5.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 03-Mar-2025 16:59 the market cap of Hindustan Zinc stood at ₹1,63,731.1.
The latest P/E ratio of Hindustan Zinc as of 03-Mar-2025 16:59 is 17.52.
The latest P/B ratio of Hindustan Zinc as of 03-Mar-2025 16:59 is 15.91.
The 52-week high of Hindustan Zinc is ₹807.0 and the 52-week low is ₹285.0.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Hindustan Zinc is ₹31,430 ( Cr.) .

About Hindustan Zinc Ltd

Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Was incorporated in 1966. It is India’s largest and world’s second largest zinc-lead miner. It gives highest priority to safety of its people and conservation of scarce natural resources through technology and innovation. It is a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited. It is listed on the NSE and BSE. Hindustan Zinc’s operations comprise lead-zinc mines, hydrometallurgical zinc smelters, lead smelters, pyro metallurgical lead-zinc smelter as well as sulphuric acid and captive power plants in northwest India.  It has facilities located in Rampura Agucha, Chanderiya, Dariba, Kayad and Zawar in the state of Rajasthan, along with zinc-lead processing and refining facilities and a silver refinery at Pantnagar in the state of Uttarakhand.

Business area of the Company

Hindustan Zinc is one of the world’s largest and India’s only integrated Zinc-Lead-Silver producer. It is engaged in the mining and smelting of zinc, lead and silver metal in India. The Company's segments are Mining and smelting of zinc, lead and silver, and Wind energy.


Zinc and lead metal produced at its world class Chanderiya Smelting complex are registered brands on the London Metal Exchange (LME). The LME brands are recognized worldwide as one of the most demanding standards, signifying highest product quality, uniform physical characteristics and consistency of ingots. This re-emphasizes its capability and commitment to meet the world class standards. It also has Quality Management Systems in place for all its products which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standards.

  • Zinc- The produces refined zinc metal, which is used in a number of applications including galvanising, oxides, die castings and alloys.
  • Lead- the company produces Lead ingots with min 99.99% purity which is registered with LME under following brand names: Vedanta 99.99 and Vedanta Pb 99.99.
  • Silver- the company is India’s largest and one of the world’s leading integrated silver producer. it produces refined silver; recovered as a by-product of zinc-lead facility. Its high quality silver bullion having a minimum purity 99.9% of silver is listed on LBMA Good delivered List (LGD) - Hindustan Zinc Pantnagar Unit.
  • Sulphuric Acid- It produces 98% concentrated Sulphuric Acid at its production facilities in Chanderia, Debari and Dariba in the state of Rajasthan.


  • Hindustan Zinc received the Golden Peacock award for corporate governance.
  • It was honoured with safety Innovation award for implementation of innovative safety practices by Institution of Engineers (India).
  • Its Chanderiya captive power plant was Asian Power Plant of the Year 2007 and also was the Best Emission Reduction Project by Asian Power Charlton Media Group, Singapore.
  • HZL received Four Star rating for health and safety Performance by British Safety Council, UK.
  • Hindustan Zinc has been awarded ‘Best eCommerce Technology Innovation’ under e-Commerce category for Project Evolve.



  • The company started metal production from its Hydro-Zinc Smelter situated at Dariba Smelting Complex, Dariba - Rajasthan.
  • The company’s exploration activities yielded significant success with an increase of 33.7 million tonnes to its reserves and resources containing 3.4 million tonne of zinc-lead metal, prior to depletion in FY10.


  • The company acquires the zinc unit of the UK’s Anglo American for $1.3 billion (Rs 5,850 crore).
  • The company inked pact with Suzlon for setting up 150 MW wind projects.


  • The company is set to become one of the top producers of silver in the world, with an estimated output of 500 tonnes by March 2011, more than double its production at present.


  • Hindustan Zinc’s CEO Akhilesh Joshi has been awarded with the MEAI-Adheraj Baldota Memorial Gold Medal Award-2012.


  • Hindustan Zinc Limited Commissions Sewage Treatment Plant at Udaipur.
  • Hindustan Zinc awarded with Significant Achievement in HR Excellence by CII


  • Hindustan Zinc and Cairn India signed MoUs with Rajasthan Government.
  • Hindustan Zinc (HZL) has installed refuge chambers inside its underground mines in the state of Rajasthan.


  • 50 years of incorporation.
  • Hindustan Zinc Board declares Special Golden Jubilee Dividend.
  • Hindustan Zinc gets EC amended to scale up production.


  • Sindesar Khurd Mine ore production capacity ramped up from 3.0 million MT to 3.7 million MT per annum.
  • Chanderiya Hydrometallurgical Zinc Smelter capacity enhanced from 4,20,000 MT to 4,30,000 MT per annum.
  • Dariba Hydrometallurgical Zinc Smelter capacity enhanced from 2,10,000 MT to 2,20,000 MT per annum.
  • 1.5 million MT pa capacity mill commissioned at Sindesar Khurd in record 14 months.
  • Successfully commissioned 16 MW of captive solar farms.


  • Hindustan Zinc has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Gujarat government to set up 300 KTPA (kilo tonnes per annum) greenfield zinc smelter at Doswada, GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation).
  • Hindustan Zinc has set up an additional 10 million litres per day (MLD) sewage treatment plant to make Udaipur's lake and river free from pollution.
  • Hindustan Zinc has launched an online buying platform, EVOLVE, for non-ferrous metals.
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