Vodafone Idea Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 532822 | NSE: IDEA | Telecommunication - Service Provider | Large Cap

Vodafone Idea Share Price

6.96 -0.08 -1.14%
as on 27-Mar'25 15:19

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on Vodafone Idea

Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

Vodafone Idea stock performance -

P/E Ratio (CD):
Market Cap:
50,260.7 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Vodafone Idea Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Vodafone Idea Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Vodafone Idea Ltd is a average quality company.

2. Is Vodafone Idea Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Vodafone Idea Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Undervalued zone.

3. Is Vodafone Idea Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Weak which suggest that the price of Vodafone Idea Ltd is likely to Fall in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Vodafone Idea:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Vodafone Idea Ltd has performed well in some of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is somewhat good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 13.8%10.6%4.4%-1.9%-6.4%-30.2%-19.8%-5.3%-4.6%-4%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 31,57135,94935,57628,27937,09344,95841,95238,51642,17742,65243,080
Sales YoY Gr.-13.9%-1%-20.5%31.2%21.2%-6.7%-8.2%9.5%1.1%-
Adj EPS 54.8-0.7-5.9-17.9-17.8-10.9-8.9-6-6.4-3.9
BVPS (₹) 38.639.341.237.768.22.1-13.3-19.3-15.3-20.8-14
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops. 10,41810,94910,4765,3325,3487,32815,64017,38718,86920,826-
Debt/CF from Ops.


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales 3.4%2.8%0.6%1.1%
Adj EPS -202.8%NANANA
Share Price -23.7% 16.7% -11.7% -47.8%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

No data to display

Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 22.50%

Sales growth has been subdued in last 3 years 0.55%

Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 1.34%

Latest Financials - Vodafone Idea Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) -3.9 -3.9
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 42,696 43,080
BVPS (₹.) -13.9 -14
Reserves (₹ Cr.) -1,70,609 -1,71,176
P/BV -0.51 -0.50
PE 0.00 0.00
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 6.60 / 19.15
All Time Low / High (₹) 2.61 / 123.16
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 50,261
Equity (₹ Cr.) 71,393
Face Value (₹) 10
Industry PE 45.3

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Sales (₹ Cr.) 10,574 0.610,487 -1.210,918 1.911,101 4
Adj EPS (₹) -1.5 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A-1 N/A
Op. Profit Mgn % 41.00 94 bps40.09 91 bps41.67 170 bps42.45 169 bps
Net Profit Mgn % -72.33 -1153 bps-61.21 1236 bps-65.64 1589 bps-59.45 1095 bps

Management X-Ray of Vodafone Idea:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:37.32%Institutions:37.62%Non-Institutions:25.07%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec240%20%40%60%80%
Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of Vodafone Idea

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Base EPS
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spaceLock icon
MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
Base EPS ₹:
DPS ₹:
MOS (%):
Expected EPS Growth Rate:
Base 0%
Expected Rate of Return:
Base 0%
Future PE:
Base 0
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

Idea Cellular: Valuation downgrade Risk of dilution and ROEs to recover - 21 May 2018

We have always preferred Bharti Airtel over Idea as it leads in 4G investments and higher ARPU due to Urban connections and corporate tie ups. However, every stock is good at a price.

In past, we valued Idea Cellular based on ROE recovery in FY20. Currently we believe it could take longer than that and valuation downgrade is in lines with that. We have reduced the valuation to reflect dilution risk for shoring up equity capital to maintain Debt to Equity ratio for future capex.

While we believe telecom stocks including Idea Cellular are cheap on valuation, we are uncertain as to when the valuation gap would close. We will wait for catalyst for valuation gap to close. Within that, we will prefer Bharti Airtel over Idea Cellular.

Investors who are already invested can continue holding the stock if it doesn’t exceed 3% of portfolio. Over 3-4 years, one may see reasonable returns from the stock.

Idea Cellular: No new outcome - 30 Mar 2017

Idea Cellular (Idea) and Vodafone India boards approved the merger of operations on 20th March. Deal is expected to be closed in FY18-19 after regulatory approvals.

Rationale for the deal:

In our note on 2nd September 2016, we had said,

“As opposed to Airtel, Idea is in losing position given its negative cash flows, highly leveraged balance sheet and lack of capital defend its market share. The company will need more debt to participate in spectrum bidding but its lack funds from shareholders or bankers. The company may have to go for rights issue thereby diluting equity holdings. Or they may consider consolidating with other players to fight back Reliance Jio Infocomm.”

We had mentioned quite early that Idea would have to raise cash or merge with competitor to survive. Of all the telecom players, Idea was lagging in term of 4G capex and spectrum. The very existence of Idea was questioned since free cash flow ex growth capex was negative for Idea.

Vodafone was facing similar problems in ramping up internet services. With access to higher spectrum the company could have delivered better services and with large customer base it could lower prices to make it attractive to fight Airtel and Reliance Jio.

Combining both the entities would reduce duplication of resources and costs. It would have led to better marketing, support and optimum use of spectrum. While Vodafone leads in Urban area coverage while Idea Cellular leads in Rural areas. Hence, the merger deal went through which would result in reduction of operational costs and also improve sales on total investment.

All telecom companies should be valued based on EV/Earnings Power. However, the deal was signed based on EV/EBITDA. On EV/EBITDA basis, both the companies got valued at 6X EBITDA. Additionally, Indus tower stake of Idea is ascribed another Rs. 6700 Cr. or Rs 18/share.

Based on management’s assessment of potential synergies, Idea Cellular and Vodafone together would accrue 67,000 Cr in net present value. Total benefit of synergies would result only in FY21/FY22. We believe that the estimates of synergies are too optimistic.

Previously, we had estimated over five years Idea would earn Rs. 18,000 Cr. in operating cash flows &  Maintenance capex would be around Rs. 8000 Cr. Assuming, last 2 years of free cash flow of Rs. 12,500 Cr, debt at the end of fifth year would reduce to Rs. 39,500 Cr. Assigning 13X Earnings power of Rs. 10,000 Cr, it would give us Enterprise value of Rs. 1,30,000 Cr. Deducting debt and present value would have resulted in Rs. 137 per share, and hence our MRP is Rs. 151/share assuming Idea’s stake in Indus Tower.

However, due high spectrum charges one side and fall in EBITDA in near term due to pricing pressure, the company would have earned lower than expected free cash flows. In that case, the company would otherwise had raised capital from the market or the promoters. In near future, due to lower EBITDA margin and higher interest cost, the company may report accounting losses. To avoid equity dilution, the management found it wise to merge with Vodafone. This will give the company muscle to sustain competition as well as reduce stress on Balance Sheet.

We always had concerns about Telecom industry hence we refrained from given any BUY signal in any of the three telecom companies, i.e. Reliance, Bharti Airtel and Idea. Near term is challenging due to entry of new player with strong financial footing. Airtel though has stronger balance sheet, near term pricing pressure would result in slower sales growth and fall EBITDA. While long term prospects are good, we need to buy the stocks only when long term conservative value would give us more than reasonable 15-17% CAGR on our capital. Since this is highly uncertain and leveraged play, we can’t ignore slippage in execution by any of the players.

We always liked Bharti Airtel over other players due to capable management, Leader in technology ramp up, stronger balance sheet, sticky corporate post-paid customer base. However, it hasn’t yet come to a price where we would get returns to an extent of risk taken investing in an Indian telecom venture.



Idea: Painful journey ahead - 02 Sep 2016

In our previous note on Bharti Airtel on July 5th 2016 we had said,

“Going forward, we believe that Reliance Jio will start with aggressive pricing. This is a short term view till it acquires 7-12% market share. After that we believe that prices will more or less stabilize though at lower than current levels. One has to understand that switching to other operator depends upon quality of service provided and not just pricing. If Bharti /Vodafone and Idea improves their services (which they are working on), switching to Jio will lower than expected by the street. Based on surveys, if network is at least 3-4x better existing network, people are willing to switch otherwise they don’t see any reason to switch just for pricing. Remember higher ARPU is generated by people using phone for business and jobs.”

How is it likely to pan out?

Advantage for Reliance Jio Infocomm:

·         Higher ARPU to start with.

·         Higher usage expected due to engaging apps, cheaper per unit rates and very good technology.

·         Complete ecosystem may lead to network effect and people adopting Jio.

Challenges for Reliance Jio Infocomm:

·         Network congestion if subscriber addition happens in short period of time. The capacity available is not sufficient to accommodate 20% market share.

·         Entry pack provides just 0.3 GB data. Starting pack will average around 500. This entry point is steep given the company wants to generate volume growth.

·         Its value-added approach (app ecosystem) may not work out as existing apps have good brand, stickiness and content. (Eg. Whatsapp, FB, UBER, NetFlix)

As opposed to Airtel, Idea is in losing position given its negative cash flows, highly leveraged balance sheet and lack of capital defend its market share. The company will need more debt to participate in spectrum bidding but its lack funds from shareholders or bankers. The company may have to go for rights issue thereby diluting equity holdings. Or they may consider consolidating with other players to fight back Reliance Jio Infocomm.

Though our MRP does reflect replacement cost of the infrastructure Idea Cellular has built, but the value of that infrastructure will not generate any returns as free cash flows are absent. Our MRP is an outcome of only present value of terminal value which may be realized after 5-7 years. Meanwhile, we believe that the stock will trade below Rs. 100/share. We advise customers not to buy Idea just looking at the price. Idea faces the highest risk from competition and its own balance sheet stress.

Key Ratios of Vodafone Idea

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Company Name CMP(₹)
Change ₹(%)
Market Cap
Net Sales (₹ Cr.)
Latest EPS (₹)
Net Profit Margin %
Latest P/E
Latest P/BV
Bharti Airtel 1,723.8 -13.8 (-0.8%) Large Cap 1,49,982 40.4 9.2 43 10.4
Vodafone Idea 7 -0.1 (-1.1%) Large Cap 42,652 -3.9 -74.6 - -0.5
Indus Towers 341.1 1.8 (0.5%) Large Cap 28,601 37.9 20.4 9 2.8

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 20,77124,28125,34822,22432,97630,24025,05022,49925,42425,622
Manufacturing Costs15,71318,38718,84316,30725,47422,22419,35517,26918,53718,106
Material Costs1452928726437816
Employee Cost 1,5301,6121,7981,5432,2942,1642,0301,7351,8662,122
Other Costs 3,3834,2534,6804,3685,1825,8483,6623,4895,0135,378
Operating Profit 10,80011,66810,2276,0554,11614,71716,90216,01616,75317,030
Operating Profit Margin (%) 34.2%32.5%28.7%21.4%11.1%32.7%40.3%41.6%39.7%39.9%
Other Income 4972203694867401,369413183385211
Interest 1,0601,8034,0544,9539,54515,52718,19321,01523,36325,767
Depreciation 5,3046,2567,8278,40914,53624,35623,63923,58423,05022,634
Exceptional Items 0000852-38,356-19,968164-22756
Profit Before Tax 4,9334,250-863-6,499-18,175-61,797-44,253-28,234-29,298-30,410
Tax 1,7401,522-464-2,331-3,57212,081-20114829
Profit After Tax 3,1932,728-400-4,168-14,604-73,878-44,233-28,245-29,301-31,238
PAT Margin (%) 10.1%7.6%-1.1%-14.7%-39.4%-164.0%-105.0%-73.3%-69.5%-73.2%
Adjusted EPS (₹)5.44.6-0.7-5.8-16.7-25.7-15.4-8.8-6.0-6.2
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)7%8%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 22,98623,41524,59827,18259,5685,914-38,264-61,970-74,363-1,04,169
Share Capital 3,6003,6013,6054,3598,73628,73528,73532,11948,68050,120
Reserves 19,38619,81520,99322,82350,832-22,821-67,000-94,089-1,23,043-1,54,289
Minority Interest0000000000
Long Term Debt16,60335,90451,63856,9411,04,40396,2801,57,4161,75,9511,89,2902,02,896
Short Term Debt2071,64635224,1213202,2501,4750
Trade Payables3,0973,2474,0783,54812,64911,76713,27613,17013,53613,731
Others Liabilities 17,57315,91316,3199,67938,6211,12,92471,05164,62577,29172,525
Total Liabilities 60,46780,12696,66897,3722,19,3612,26,9182,03,4781,94,0262,07,2291,84,984

Fixed Assets

Gross Block61,82771,35990,6901,01,4972,41,4792,82,4412,84,7992,81,3453,02,8683,02,626
Accumulated Depreciation26,2876,16913,92721,80563,74696,6711,17,3081,24,5271,46,6121,62,501
Net Fixed Assets35,54065,19076,76379,6921,77,7331,85,7711,67,4901,56,8191,56,2551,40,125
CWIP 5,1416,0407,5353,5855,1031,13860636417,87618,189
Investments 11,5273,4716,3787,2918,2391,9794561
Trade Receivables9791,1421,3148873,3003,0942,5072,4442,1642,195
Cash Equivalents 1,55476983299912,6632,2173,497855536
Others Assets5,6563,4074,5365,85123,99232,27030,65430,89530,05623,937
Total Assets 60,46780,12696,66897,3722,19,3612,26,9182,03,4781,94,0262,07,2291,84,984

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 10,41810,94910,4765,3325,3487,32815,64017,38718,86920,826
PBT 4,9334,250-1,285-6,499-18,372-62,152-44,485-28,234-29,298-30,410
Adjustment 6,0367,95811,74012,66820,63876,31960,77044,49246,19447,623
Changes in Working Capital 554-398702-4202803-9246-1436-341628643
Tax Paid -1,104-861-681-4162802,4067901,4701,3452,970
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -5,726-2,389-15,556-9,272-7,379-2,7901,075-5,730-5,414-1,907
Capex -4,158-7,104-5,293-8,602-7,586-7,801-4,532-5,888-3,857-1,530
Net Investments 010,391-3,347-839-3734,8925,890152929
Others -1,568-5,676-6,915168580119-284143-1,586-406
Cash Flow From Financing Activity 8,028-9,3304,5063,925-2,949-5,019-16,731-10,554-14,680-18,980
Net Proceeds from Shares 3,73718106,721024,91604,50000
Net Proceeds from Borrowing 5,656-10,1289,9302,6944,564-4,052-4,322-7,564-4,346-5,916
Interest Paid -666-439-3,218-5,490-5,071-15,259-2,826-2,800-2,094-2,868
Dividend Paid -279-260-2600000000
Others -4201,480-1,9550-2,442-10,625-9,584-4,690-8,240-10,196
Net Cash Flow 12,720-770-574-14-4,980-481-171,103-1,224-61
ROE (%)16.1711.76-1.66-16.1-33.67-225.64N/AN/AN/AN/A
ROCE (%)13.7710.624.44-1.87-6.37-30.19N/AN/AN/AN/A
Asset Turnover Ratio0.590.510.
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)3.264.01N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days10111314212624232019
Inventory Days1111000000
Payable Days7,399000000000

Vodafone Idea Ltd Stock News

Vodafone Idea Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Vodafone Idea on 27-Mar-2025 15:19 is ₹6.96.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 27-Mar-2025 15:19 the market cap of Vodafone Idea stood at ₹50,260.7.
The latest P/E ratio of Vodafone Idea as of 27-Mar-2025 15:19 is 0.00.
The latest P/B ratio of Vodafone Idea as of 27-Mar-2025 15:19 is -0.51.
The 52-week high of Vodafone Idea is ₹19.15 and the 52-week low is ₹6.60.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Vodafone Idea is ₹42,696 ( Cr.) .

About Vodafone Idea Ltd

Vodafone Idea (formerly Idea Cellular Limited) is a public limited company, was incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act applicable in India on March 14, 1995. Vodafone Idea is an Aditya Birla Group and Vodafone Group partnership. It is India's leading telecom service provider. The Company provides pan India Voice and Data services across 2G, 3G and 4G platform. With the large spectrum portfolio to support the growing demand for data and voice, the company is committed to deliver delightful customer experiences and contribute towards creating a truly 'Digital India' by enabling millions of citizens to connect and build a better tomorrow. The Company is developing infrastructure to introduce newer and smarter technologies, making both retail and enterprise customers future ready with innovative offerings, conveniently accessible through an ecosystem of digital channels as well as extensive on-ground presence. The Company is listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India.

Business area of the company

The Company is engaged in the business of Mobility and Long Distance services, trading of handsets and data cards. It is offering voice, data, enterprise services and other value added services (VAS), including short messaging services, digital services, IoT etc.


  • IoT
  • Mobility
  • Connectivity
  • Security
  • Communications
  • Cloud



  • The Company is the only Indian GSM operator to win the award in 12th Annual ‘GSM Association Global Mobile Awards’, at 3GSM World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007. This award, received for two successive years in the same category despite stiff competition with top-notch global GSM nominees, is for your Company’s unique, “CARE” service in the “Best Billing or Customer Care Solution”.
  • To create year round visibility and ensure brand salience, your Company keeps coming up with media innovations through tie-ups with media partners. One such innovation - The Idea sponsored News Headlines, has won the Gold in the Business Excellence Awards 2006 ceremony, in the “Best Use of Sponsorship - Non Sports” category, a first of its kind innovation across industries.
  • The Company has been awarded the “Indian Operator of the Year” Award at a function held on the sidelines of CommunicAsia, Singapore. This award was received at the 4th Annual Asian Mobile News Awards Nite on June 20, 2007.


  • The Company has been selected as “Emerging Company of the Year” for 2009 by The Economic Times, arguably Corporate India’s pre-eminent awards. This award is a recognition of the strides made by the company in recent years.


  • The Company has been ranked 6th in Investor Relations and ranked 7th in Corporate Governance amongst Indian Companies by Finance Asia magazine’s annual poll of investors and analysts.
  • Brand Idea has been ranked the 4th Buzziest Brand by Agencyfaqs.
  • Idea won the award for the ‘Best Ad Campaign’ at tele.net Telecom Operator Awards, 2010.
  • The campaign “What an Idea Sirjee” continue to win accolades with the campaign recently winning Silver at EFFIES 2009 for “Democracy” Campaign, while the ‘Walk when you Talk’ Campaign was adjudged the 2nd best campaign of the year by Brand Wagon (FE) and ‘All about Ads’ on NDTV Profit.


  • The company has been ranked 1st in the Telecommunications sector and ranked 12th in the country under India’s Best Companies to Work for - 2011 Study conducted by Great Place to Work Institute, India, in partnership with The Economic Times.
  • The Company has also been adjudged amongst the Top 3 companies in Telecommunications sector in the “Best Companies to Work For” Study conducted by Business Today.
  • The Company has been ranked 3rd in Best Investor Relations category for Telecommunications sector (Nominated by Sell Side) in 2011 All-Asia Executive Team rankings by Institutional Investor magazine in a sector based survey, which had a participation of 522 portfolio managers and investors, as well as 348 sell-side analysts.
  • Brand Idea has been ranked the 4th Buzziest Brand by Agencyfaqs for second consecutive year.
  • Outdoor Innovation for “Break the Language Barrier campaign” won two Silver Awards at the OAC (Outdoor Advertising Convention) Awards 2011 for Telecom Category for Multiple Executions and Best New Media Format Innovation.
  • The ‘Use Mobile Save Paper’ campaign was one of the most awarded campaigns with over 7 awards in various media awards like the EMVIES 2010, EFFIES 2010, Digital Media Awards 10-11 and Yahoo big Chair Awards 10-11. The campaign was also creditably nominated at the Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards and it also won the Olive Crown Gold Award for the Green Brand of the Year at Goafest 2011.
  • The Company also received the award for ‘Most outstanding use of Radio in an Ad campaign’ at the India Radio Forum 2011, Best Televised Event - EEMAX Awards 2010 for ‘Idea Rocks India’ and an award for Rural Marketing Programme at the WOW Awards.


  • Idea won prestigious Gold EFFIE for ‘no idea-get Idea’ (number portability) campaign and Silver EFFIE for ‘Break the Language Barrier’ campaign.
  • ‘No Idea-Get Idea’ and ‘Break the Language Barrier’ campaigns transcended national boundaries to be ranked globally as the Best Brand Campaign, 2011 by World Communication Awards, London.
  • The “Most Trusted Brands Survey” by Brand Equity ranked Idea as 28th amongst all Products and Services Brands climbing 117 ranks over last year. The same survey ranked Idea 4th amongst all Service Brands.
  • In radio, Idea won 6 awards at the Golden Mikes Awards 2011 and was adjudged the ‘Advertiser of the Year’.


  • ‘Population’ campaign (India busy on Idea 3G) won the Gold at APPIES 2012, Singapore.
  • ‘Population’ campaign was rated Best Brand Campaign at World Communication Awards, London, which is second year in a row.
  • The much talked about ‘Idea Rings All India’ (‘honey-bunny’) campaign was awarded Best Brand Campaign by tele.net.
  • ‘Honey-bunny’ won the Gold ABBY’S for best original score film under the category Film Craft. (Jamic Films won this for their work on Honey-bunny campaign).
  • MNP campaign (No Idea, Get Idea) won the award for ‘Excellence in Marketing’ at the ET Telecom Awards, 2012.
  • Won Gold in Golden Mikes award, 2012 for best on ground promotion by a network of Radio station (Club FM won for their work on Idea Magic recharge campaign in Kerala).
  • Voice & Data Awards 2012, in the category ‘CTO of the Year Award’.
  • Yahoo Big Idea Chair 2012, for ‘Best Online Advertising’.
  • Digital Media Awards 2012, for ‘Best use of Online Banner Advertising’.
  • Aegis Graham Bell Awards 2012, in the ‘Innovative Telecom Business Model’ category.
  • Won 3 Awards at the ET Telecom Awards 2012, in the categories of Customer Experience Enhancement, Excellence in Marketing and Innovative products.
  • Won ‘The Best Rural Service Provider of the Year - 2012’ by Amity Telecom Excellence Award.
  • Tele.Net Awards 2013, in the categories ‘Telecom CEO of the Year’.
  • ‘NDTV Business Leadership Award’ in the telecom category for 2012.


  • Idea’s Pan India coverage campaign ‘Honey-Bunny’, won a Silver and a Bronze at the APAC EFFIES and also won a Silver at Emvies, 2013.
  • Idea won EMMY’s Integrated Campaign Awards 2013 for Honey-Bunny campaign.
  • Idea has been awarded with the ‘Storyboard Brand Campaign of the Year Award’ for Honey-Bunny campaign at CNBC TV18 India Business Leader Awards 2013.
  • Idea has also won the Citizen Journalist Awards, 2013.
  • Idea received the Amity Telecom Excellence Award for ‘The Best Rural Services Provider of the Year 2013’.
  • Idea received the Amity Leadership Award 2013 in ‘Leveraging IT in Telecommunications Sector’.


  • The Company has been ranked 3rd in the best managed public companies, 4th in Corporate Governance and Investor Relations amongst Indian Companies across industries by Finance Asia magazine's annual poll of investors and analysts.
  • At EFFIES 2014, Idea was recognized as 3rd Best Client of the Year with 3 awards
  • Idea was rated 8th among Top 50 Brands across brand, product and service categories in India by BrandZ Awards 2014 basis brand evaluation by WPP Millward Brown.
  • The Company bagged 'Pitch Top 50' Brands Award for the year 2014.
  • The Company won the ET Telecom Award for the Best Marketing Campaign of the year for 'No Ullu Banaoing'. This award is given for the marketing campaign that is not only unique in creativity but also gets the desired business results.
  • The Company yet again won the Economic Times Telecom Awards 2014 for 2 years in succession in the Enterprise category for cab management solution (for implementations for Bookmycab, Fastrack, Mango Cab).
  • Idea won awards in Annual Telecom Leadership Forum organised by the popular ICT magazine Voice & Data (from the Cyber Media House).
  • Internet and Broadband Category - for introducing the IN platform for billing postpaid data services.
  • Marketing Category - for harnessing analytics to gain consumer insights enabling micro marketing.
  • Marketing Category - for deployment of cloud based services for Idea's enterprise customers.


  • Silver and a Bronze for Idea’s ‘No Ullu Banaoing’ campaign at the Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards 2015 in Singapore
  • Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2015: Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year & Most Innovative Telecom Service Provider of the Year
  • WOW awards - ‘Idea Rocks India’ won Gold in the category ‘Entertainment Event Of The Year For A Brand/ Organization’
  • ‘Outstanding Company of the Year’ by the jury of the 11th CNBC TV18 India Business Leader Awards.
  • The eminent jury chaired by Mr. Uday Kotak and consisting of Dilip Shanghvi, Shikha Sharma, Sanjay Nayar, Cyril Shroff and V.G. Siddhartha, ‘unanimously chose Idea Cellular for clearly meeting and surpassing each of the criteria for evaluation’.
  • Silver at the Jay Chiat award in New York, the highest award for strategic excellence in the world for ‘No Ullu Banaoing’ campaign.
  • ‘No Ullu Banaoing’ campaign Grand Prix at the Warc Prize for Asian Strategy 2015. The Prize celebrates the very best of strategic marketing in Asia.
  • The Effies saw them winning a Silver in the category ‘Best Ongoing Campaign’ and a Bronze for IIN in the ‘Best Small Town and Rural Marketing’ category.
  • At the Economic Times Awards this year, Idea won the ET Telecom Award for Excellence in Marketing Communications for its IIN campaign.
  • Brand Idea was named among the Top 3 brands in the telecom category at the Buzziest Brands of the Year poll 2015.


  • Idea was voted by investors as one of the Top 10 Asia’s Best Companies in 2017 in a poll conducted by Finance Asia magazine, in the categories of (i) Best CEO (ii) Best CFO (iii) Most Committed to Corporate Governance (iv) Best at CSR and (v) Best at Investor Relations.
  • Idea won the ET Telecom Award 2017 for the ‘Best Enterprise Mobility Service Provider’ for Logistics Tracking Solution.
  • Idea won the ‘Golden Peacock Award’ for Corporate Social Responsibility for being the best in CSR, among Indian Telecom Companies.
  • Idea won Voice & Data Telecom Leadership Awards 2016 in the following categories: (i) CTO of the Year Award for the company’s record breaking network rollout in 2016 (ii) Highest Subscriber Additions in 2016 in Maharashtra & Goa and Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh circles (iii) Enterprise Business Award for Workforce Tracking Management Solution (iv) Customer Service Award for Centre Management System (v) VAS Award for USSD 191 portal (vi) Marketing Award for Pooling product (vii) Internet & Broadband Award for Internet for All initiative Infrastructure Innovation Award for Telematics product on IOT by ICISL.
  • Idea bagged the Business world Golden Cart Summit and Awards 2016 for India’s most preferred brand in the category of ‘Telecommunication Services’.
  • Idea was recognized among ‘Top 25 Best Companies to Work’ in 2016 by Business Today.
  • Idea won GSMA Chairman’s Award for collectively enabling ‘Mobile Connect’ in India.
  • Idea was ranked amongst the ‘Buzziest Brands of the Year’ in 2016 and rated among Top 3 Brands in ‘Telecom’ category by afaqs.


  • Idea was listed among Top 3 brands in Telecom in afaqs India’s Buzziest Brands of 2017 poll.
  • Listed among the “Top 25 Companies to work for” in the Year 2017 by Business Today.
  • Ranked 3rd in the telecom category in “India’s Most Trusted Service Brands 2017” by ET and was at No. 14 in the overall industry ranking - a huge jump from 36th position in the previous year.
  • Idea Won 5 awards in Telecom Leadership Forum 2017 organised by Voice & Data in the following categories (i) Internet & Broadband Services category for Operator Billing on Google Play - an industry first (ii) Marketing category for Chillar Recharge (iii) Network Security for Privacy Framework Implementation (iv) VAS & Apps for Idea Movies & TV app and (v) Business Process Innovation for 4G SIM Upgrade for 4G smartphone customers.
  • Idea was voted by investors as one of Asia’s Best Companies in 2017 in a poll conducted by Finance Asia in these categories of (i) Best CFO (ii) 2nd in the Best CEO category (iii) 4th among companies that are Most Committed to Corporate Governance (iv) 4th among companies that are Best at CSR and (v) 7th among the companies that are Best at Investor Relations.
  • Idea won the ET Telecom Award 2017 for the ‘Best Enterprise Mobility Service Provider’ for Logistics Tracking Solution.
  • Idea was awarded the “Golden Peacock Award” for Corporate Social Responsibility for being the best among the Indian Telecom Companies for CSR.


  • “Golden Peacock Award” for Corporate Social Responsibility for being the best among Indian Telecom Companies for CSR.
  • Vodafone Idea Business Services won Frost & Sullivan India ICT Awards
  • 8 awards across categories at the Voice & Data Biz & Tech Awards at Telecom Leadership Forum 2019.
  • Vodafone Brand won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze in APAC Effies along with Grand Effie going on to become the Brand of the Year and Marketer of the Year.
  • Vodafone Sakhi won Black, Gold and 4 Blue Elephants awards at Kyoorius Creative Awards 2018 and was showcased by GSMA as the Best Initiative for ‘Connected Women’ at the Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.
  • Idea Brand won Silver at Maddies 2018 for “Best Use of Social Media On A Campaign” - LookLook FB 360 Newsfeed Game
  • Idea was adjudged Runners-up in the prestigious BML Munjal Awards for Business Excellence through Learning and Development in Private Sector - Services Category at Mindmine Summit 2018


  • Vodafone & Idea were ranked 21 in the Most Trusted Brands of 2020 by the Economic Times of India, up from 29 for Vodafone & 65 for Idea.
  • Vodafone won 4 Golds, 4 Silvers and 2 Bronze for Vodafone unofficial sponsors of fans at IPL, Vodafone Sakhi at EMVIEs 2019, the awards for effective use of media for communication impacting business.
  • Vodafone won Brand of the year & Marketer of the Year awards as well as the Grand EFFIE at APAC EFFIEs for Vodafone Sakhi & FANtastic breaks.
  • Vodafone Idea Limited won Bronze for the Best Exhibition Experience at the 3rd Edition of BW Applause & Everything Experiential Marketing Awards’s for their experiential display at the Indian Mobile Congress.
  • Idea 4G won in the ‘Telecom & Technology’ category at the 5th edition of the IndIAA Awards for Creative Excellence for their campaign ‘India ka LIVE network’.
  • Idea 4G won Gold & 2 Bronze awards at the prestigious Outdoor Advertising Convention 2019 for OOH innovations for their campaign ‘India ka LIVE network’.
  • Idea 4G won the Silver Maddies 2019 in the Rich Media/Interactive Content category for their digital first Mallika Dua LIVE video both for their campaign ‘India ka LIVE network’.
  • Idea 4G won Bronze atthe 10th edition of exchange4media Group NEONS OOH Conference & Awards 2020 for Outdoor Advertising & Digital Signage for their campaign ‘India ka LIVE network’.
  • Vodafone Idea won five awards at the Annual Voice & Data Telecom Leadership Forum 2020.
  • SNOC received ‘Award of Excellence’ under ‘Innovation in RPA (Robotics Process Automation)’ category for a unique solution of ‘Automating Telecom Network Processes using RPA’ at the 10th Aegis Graham Bell Awards.
  • Vodafone Idea Business Services (VIBS) won 3 Frost & Sullivan India ICT Awards and 5 CIO Choice awards.
  • Managed WiFi, and SIP Trunking products and services
  • VIBS was recognized by D&B for HR Best Practice for training programme for new sales leadership roles.
  • VIBS was awarded for Digital marketing excellence for the Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaign on Linkedin at ET Brand Equity DigiPlus and UBS Forums for its Customer Engagement Experiential marketing leadership at UBS Forums and VAR India.



  • Idea won 3G Spectrum in 11 service areas in India.


  • First operator to announce the launch of Mobile Number Portability, have been the Top gainer ever since the service was launched.Launched 3G in 10 circles – Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Goa, Uttar Pradesh (East), Uttar Pradesh (West).Only operator in the country to have ISO 9001:2008 certification for its service delivery platform for all 22 service areas and the corporate office.


  • Won back spectrum for 7 circles for which licenses were quashed by the Supreme Court. Idea wins at the prestigious World Communication Awards 2012, second year consecutively.


  • Idea Launches the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone in India.Idea introduces ‘Speed Booster’ plans for postpaid 3G data users.Idea introduces buffet plan for its postpaid subscribers.
  • Became the 3rd largest mobile operator in India in subscriber terms as well Received a $1 million Grant from US Trade and Development Agency for a Green Telecom Project
  • Idea Cellular Ltd Signs Unified License with the Department of Telecommunications Idea Cellular introduces buffet plans for post-paid subscribers


  • Won 3G spectrum for Delhi metro and 4G LTE spectrum for 8 service areas
  • 6th largest mobile operator in terms of number of subscribers in single country operations: GSMA Intelligence Report
  • Raised Rs 3,000 Crores through Qualified Institutions Placement


  • Microsoft has tied with Idea Cellular to launch operator billing on the Windows Store for Idea subscribers
  • Idea Cellular Ltd has successfully retained the crucial 900 MHz spectrum and won 54 MHz of 900 MHz spectrum
  • Videocon Telecommunications sold its spectrum in Gujarat and UP (West) circles to Idea Cellular at a valuation of Rs 3,310 crore
  • Idea launches world-class, high-speed 4G LTE services in all four Telecom service areas of South India Idea Cellular launches 4G in all 5 states of South India, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana


  • Idea launches 4G services in four more states -Idea Cellular unveils 4G in Orissa
  • Idea Cellular launches Easy Share Plan
  • Idea covers 10 telecom circles with its world class 4G LTE services
  • Won spectrum in FDD technology on 1800 and 2100 bands, and in TDD technology on 2300 and 2500 bands to achieve pan-India wireless broadband footprint


  • Vodafone Idea Partners PayTM to delight its Prepaid Customers
  • Vodafone Idea Partners with Sun Nxt; Strengthens Its South Indian Content Offering
  • Idea Cellular announces completion of sale of standalone tower business to ATC Telecom Infrastructure Private Limited


  • Vodafone Idea Launches Webbuddy To Enable Small Businesses To Go Online
  • Vodafone Idea Business Services And Nokia Partner To Launch Sd-Wan To Help Businesses Drive Digital Transformation
  • Vodafone Idea Partners With Cii Techsaksham Project For Msmes To Adapt In The Digital Age
  • Vodafone Idea Launches Turbonet 4g In Karnataka


  • Vodafone Idea Launches Turbonet 4g in Nashik
  • Vodafone Idea and NASSCOM Foundation Launch MyAmbar - An App-based solution for Women Safety in India.
  • Vodafone Idea Achieves Major Production Milestone with IBM and Red Hat for its Open Universal Hybrid Cloud for Network and IT workloads
  • Lunched single brand identity ‘Vi’
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