Bank Of Baroda - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 532134 | NSE: BANKBARODA | Bank - Public | Large Cap

Bank Of Baroda Share Price

228.40 -2.35 -1.02%
as on 28-Mar'25 16:59

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on Bank Of Baroda

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Bole Toh

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3. Price Trend

Bank Of Baroda stock performance -

P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
1,19,329.2 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Bank Of Baroda an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Bank Of Baroda a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Bank Of Baroda is a average quality company.

2. Is Bank Of Baroda undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Bank Of Baroda's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Fair zone.

3. Is Bank Of Baroda a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Strong which suggest that the price of Bank Of Baroda is likely to Rise in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing

10 Year X-Ray of Bank Of Baroda:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Bank Of Baroda has performed well in some of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is somewhat good
Net Interest Income (₹ Cr.)13,18712,74013,51315,52218,48027,45128,80932,62141,35644,72246,432
YoY Gr. Rt. %--3.4%6.1%14.9%19.1%48.5%5%13.2%26.8%8.1%-
Total Income47,36649,06048,95850,30656,06586,30183,42981,36599,6141,27,1011,36,012
YoY Gr. Rt. %-3.6%-0.2%2.8%11.5%53.9%-3.3%-2.5%22.4%27.6%-
Adj EPS (₹ ) 15.4-23.46-
YoY Gr. Rt. %--252.4%NA-253.2%NA-28.1%35.6%778.8%94%26.1%-
BVPS (₹ )175.7156.6159.4152.1156.6142.4149166.1189.9217253.4
YoY Gr. Rt. %--10.9%1.8%-4.6%3%-9.1%4.7%11.5%14.3%14.3%-
To view Net Profit/Total Funds (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Net Profit/Total Funds (%)0.5-0.80.2-
To view Net NPA to Net Advances (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Net NPA to Net Advances (%)
To view Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%)-----------


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Net Interest Income14.5%19.3%15.8%8.1%
Total Income11.6%17.8%15.1%27.6%
Adj EPS9.4%83.8%178.1%26.1%
Share Price 3.5% 33.2% 26.8% -13.6%

Key Financial Ratios

RATIOS \ YEARSMar'15Mar'16Mar'17Mar'18Mar'19Mar'20Mar'21Mar'22Mar'23Mar'24TTM
Interest Earned / Total Income90.7189.8186.286.7788.7788.0484.585.8989.9488.688.5
Margins To view Margins Colour Rating Guide click here
NIM (%)1.9222.
Performance Ratios To view Performance Ratios Colour Rating Guide click here
Return on Equity (%)9.2-14.43.8-
Liquidity Ratio To view Liquidity Ratio Colour Rating Guide click here
CASA (%)26.426.432.235.83535.340.241.539.538.8-

Recent Performance Summary

Return on Equity has increased versus last 3 years average to 16.00%

Total Income has increased 15.07 CAGR in last 3 years

Net Profit has increased 178.06 CAGR in last 3 years

Net NPA to Net Advances has declined versus last 3 years average

Total income growth is good in last 4 quarters

No data to display

Latest Financials - Bank Of Baroda

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 37.6 39.5
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 1,20,383 1,26,672
BVPS (₹.) 253.4 270.4
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 1,30,002 1,38,794
P/BV 0.91 0.85
PE 6.14 5.84
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 190.70 / 298.45
All Time Low / High (₹) 6.02 / 298.45
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 1,19,329
Equity (₹ Cr.) 1,034.3
Face Value (₹) 2
Industry PE 8.4

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Net Interest Income (₹ Cr.)11,793 2.311,600 5.511,622 7.311,417 2.8
Interest Earned (₹ Cr.)29,583 14.429,629 11.630,263 8.630,908 8.1
Total Income (₹ Cr.)33,775 15.232,116 7.535,445 10.734,676 10.4
Adj EPS (₹)8.3 -4.68.1 30.39 25.58 -3.4
NIM (%)3.45 -3.18 -3.27 -2.94 -
Net NPA to Net Advances (%)0.68 -0.69 -0.6 -0.59 -
CASA (%)41.33 -40.62 -39.84 -39.68 -

Management X-Ray of Bank Of Baroda:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:63.97%Institutions:27.03%Non-Institutions:9%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec240%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%
Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of Bank Of Baroda

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MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
Base BVPS ₹:
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MOS (%):
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Base 0%
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YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max

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Analyst's Notes

Bank of Baroda: Q4FY23 Result Update - 19 May 2023




% Change YoY





International advances grew by 29.9% to 173,988 Cr





Net Interest Income (NII)



NIM at 3.53%

Gross Non-Performing Asset (GNPA)


-282 bps


Profit after tax (PAT)





Results were good, with solid fundamentals on all metrics.


Bank of Baroda Ltd – Q2FY23 Result - 17 Nov 2022

Market Cap 84,267Cr
CMP 163
P/B 0.8xFY23


(INR Cr)

YoY Growth





Led by 41.7% growth in international book (18.3% of advances)

Net Interest Income



NIM improved by 0.48% to 3.33% for Q2FY23

Profit After Tax (PAT)



Decline of 49% in total other income


Check 10 year X-ray here

Key Highlights -

  • Retail loan book (18.14% of advances) grew by 28.4% on yearly basis, within retail personal grew (13.32%) by 172.8% and other grew by double digits.
  • Asset quality improved with GNPA decline by 2.8% at 5.31%, and NNPA decline by 1.67% at 1.16%.
  • Cost to Income ratio increased by 0.61% to 49.74%, treasury losses 435 Cr.
  • Deposit base grew by 13.6%, while CASA declined to 39.83% from 41.70% on yearly basis.

Management Outlook –

  • Management guided on improving NIM by 0.10% and advantages of loan repricing for next 2 quarters.
  • Credit cost to decline to 1-1.25%, while slippages to be at 1.5-2% for this fiscal.
  • Management guided on Return of asset (ROA) to be below 1% this year, while expecting to achieve ROA of 1% and ROE of 15% next year.

Bank of Baroda: Quarterly Result update - 12 Aug 2020


Bank of Baroda loan growth stood at 8.5% Year on Year, mainly due to growth in corporate loans domestic and overseas in addition to retail growth of 13.5%. Domestic CASA ratio is healthy at 39%. Gross NPA stayed at 9.4% due to new slippages from overseas accounts, while net NPA is now at 2.8%. Provision coverage ratio of 72%. Overall 21% of total loan value is under moratorium, which poses risk to rise in NPA.

Currently all banks are reporting stable performance due to i) Moratorium offered to clients ii) Cost cuts. For some banks it is relatively easy to calculate NPA accretion while others they have complex lending structure. We will reassess over next few quarters which bank has fared well.

MoneyWorks4me’s employees may be invested in the securities mentioned in the above mail/report/article. For a detailed disclosure click here.

Bank Of Baroda: Do not average down - 18 Feb 2020

For some clients we had recommended Bank of Baroda (BoB) on the basis of good CASA, improving ROE over time as NPAs come down and favorable valuation.

Currently, there is a fear of Telecom and NBFC NPAs propping up, hence leading to fall in BoB’s stock price. BoB has ~2-3% exposure to NBFCs with lower credit rating. rest 5% is to AAA rated PSU NBFCs.

Apart for initial 3% we do not recommend averaging the stock. If it indeed remains a loser in portfolio, we don’t want to average down and compound the mistake.

Our other investments in banking stocks have turned out quite well, eg. Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI. So the drop in BoB wouldn’t hamper overall portfolio returns much. 

Bank of Baroda: Quarterly Result update - 25 Jan 2020

Results:  Bank of Baroda (BoB) reported 50% increase in net interest income* and total income respectively year on year. The CASA^ ratio increased to 39% (vs 36% in Q2FY20). 

Key Highlights:-

Net loan book grew by 3% and deposits grew by 1% year on year. Advances in the retail segment grew at 15% year on year.

Within retail loans, home and auto loans grew by 10% and 43% respectively.

Gross NPA reduced to 10.43% (vs 10.91% in Q3FY19) however, the fresh slippages** during the quarter were high at Rs. 10,387 Cr. The slippage ratio increased from 3.65% in Q3FY19 to 6.78% in Q3FY20. Net NPA stood at 4%. 

Bank added 21 branches during Q3FY20, adding up total branches to 9,470 and 13,161 ATMs. 31% of the bank branches are in rural area and 23% in metro areas.

Outlook: The major cause of concern was growth in slippages including NPA from RBI divergence. Since 80% slippages are from Watchlist, there is not incrementally negative. The management expects NPA to come down below 4% in next quarter. 

* Net Interest Income (NII) - Total interest earned by a bank on lent amount minus Total interest that it expended on its deposits.

^CASA- Current Account Saving Account is essentially the lowest cost funds that are available to the bank to lend. More the CASA, higher the amount of fund the bank can lend and earn interest on it.

**Slippages- The defaulted loans

Bank of Baroda: Quarterly Result Update - 12 Nov 2019

Results:  Bank of Baroda (BoB) reported 10% increase in net interest income* year on year. Operating income before provisions grew by 23% year on year. The CASA^ ratio remained high at 36.55%. 


Key Highlights:-

  • Net loan book grew by just 3% year on year as core loan growth was negated by reduction of bad loans. Advances in the retail segment grew at 16% year on year.
  • The credit cost for the bank was high at 2%. The credit cost elevated because of high slippages** at 4.2% of advances.
  • Despite of slippages, net NPA remained stable at 3.9% as recoveries improved. ~90% of corporate slippages came from the Bank’s predefined watch list. 
  • Major chunk of corporate slippages of Rs3400 Cr mainly came from NBFC, Sintex group and Cox&Kings sector.

Outlook: From a lower base, both recoveries from written-off accounts normalized during the quarter to higher levels, aiding the Bank’s profitability as well as asset quality. Slippages from the MSME portfolio remained elevated, with higher share of MSME and mid corporate slippages from erstwhile Dena and Vijaya bank’s books (which merged with BoB). BoB continues to receive funds from government to make provisioning. This has led to equity dilution and reduction in fair value of BoB.


We have a BUY on BoB. We believe, that there is gradual improvement in core operating metrics, integration-related challenges is expected. Currently we have bought it as a part of overall basket of corporate banks. Other banks have already delivered however, Bank of Baroda is done reverse in term of performance. From today’s price we do expect much more than 15% CAGR but still recommend to buy other corporate banks like SBI, Axis Bank, too.


* Net Interest Income- Total interest earned by a bank on lent amount minus Total interest that it expended on its deposits.

^CASA- Current Account Saving Account is essentially the lowest cost funds that are available to the bank to lend. More the CASA, higher the amount of fund the bank can lend and earn interest on it.

**Slippages- The defaulted loans


Key Ratios of Bank Of Baroda

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Total Income (Cr.)

ROE (%)

BVPS (Rs.)

Company Name CMP(₹)
Change ₹(%)
Market Cap
Net Sales (₹ Cr.)
Latest EPS (₹)
Net Profit Margin %
Latest P/E
Latest P/BV
SBI 771.6 -0.8 (-0.1%) Large Cap 4,15,131 81.8 14.7 9.5 1.7
Bank Of Baroda 228.4 -2.4 (-1%) Large Cap 1,12,606 37.6 15.8 6.1 0.9
Canara Bank 89 -0.6 (-0.7%) Large Cap 1,10,519 18.1 13.4 5 0.9
PNB 96.1 -0.3 (-0.3%) Large Cap 1,09,065 14.7 7.6 6.6 0.9
Union Bank Of India 126.2 2.1 (1.7%) Large Cap 99,778 21.4 13.7 5.8 0.9
Indian Overseas Bank 39 -2.8 (-6.6%) Large Cap 24,050 1.6 11 26 3

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Income 47,36649,06048,95850,30656,06586,30183,42981,36599,6141,27,101
Interest Income 42,96444,06142,20043,64949,77175,98470,49569,88189,5891,12,606
Other Income 4,4024,9996,7586,6576,29410,31712,93411,48410,02614,495
Expenditure 43,96754,45647,57552,73855,63285,75582,60074,09285,5051,09,313
Interest Expense 29,77631,32128,68728,12731,29048,53241,68637,25948,23367,884
Operating Expenses 7,6748,9239,29610,17311,28818,87220,54421,71624,51828,252
Profit Before Tax5,421-6,6982,473-2,791698-1,8025,5569,38619,72724,890
Taxes 2,022-1,3031,090-359265-2,3484,7272,1145,6177,101
Profit After Tax 3,398-5,3961,383-2,4324345468297,27214,11017,789
Adjusted EPS (₹)15.37-23.426.00-9.191.641.181.6014.0627.2834.40
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)21%0%20%0%0%0%0%20%20%22%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Share Capital 4444624625305309251,0361,0361,0361,036
Total Reserves 39,39239,73739,84142,86445,41170,93176,01084,87497,1871,11,188
Minority Interest0000000000
Borrowings 35,26433,47230,61162,57267,20193,06966,8481,03,8991,01,91094,402
Other Liabilities 22,32923,66822,28622,71829,15547,00644,47442,25254,74052,213
Total Liabilities 7,14,9896,71,3766,94,8757,20,0007,80,98711,57,91611,55,36512,78,00014,58,56215,85,797


Balance with RBI 22,48921,67222,78022,70026,66232,64638,84171,18454,88354,840
Balance with Banks1,25,8651,12,2281,27,69070,19862,56889,25581,57251,47140,82140,284
Investments 1,16,8121,20,4511,29,6311,63,1851,82,2982,74,6152,61,2203,15,7953,62,4853,69,817
Advances 4,28,0653,83,7703,83,2594,27,4324,68,8196,90,1217,06,3017,77,1559,40,99810,65,782
Net Block 2,8756,2545,7585,3676,9908,8898,0169,9228,7077,913
Other Assets18,88327,00225,75731,11933,65162,39059,41552,47250,66847,162
Total Assets 7,14,9896,71,3766,94,8757,20,0007,80,98711,57,91611,55,36512,78,00014,58,56215,85,797

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 18,021-9,84217,194-61,088-4,120930-4,6097,529-19,747-5,457
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -539-3,995-426-563-3,957141-269-3,967-1,563-575
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -6-616-1984,0794,40914,5903,390-1,319-5,6425,452
Net Cash Flow 17,475-14,45316,570-57,573-3,66815,660-1,4882,242-26,952-579

Operational & Financial Ratios

EPS (₹)15-236-9212142734
DPS (₹)3010000368
BVPS (₹)176157159152157142149166190217

Margin Ratios

Yield on Advances (%)10.011.511.010.210.611.
Yield on Investments (%)8.99.810.
Cost of Liabilities (%)
NIM (%)
Interest Spread (%)

Performance Ratios

ROA (%)0.5-0.80.2-
ROE (%)9.2-14.43.8-
ROCE (%)10.3-6.26.1-

Efficiency Ratios

Cost to Income Ratio (%)43.650.345.945.945.650.
Operating Costs to Assets (%)

Valuation Parameters


Bank Of Baroda Stock News

Bank Of Baroda FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Bank Of Baroda on 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is ₹228.4.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 the market cap of Bank Of Baroda stood at ₹1,19,329.2.
The latest P/E ratio of Bank Of Baroda as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 6.14.
The latest P/B ratio of Bank Of Baroda as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 0.91.
The 52-week high of Bank Of Baroda is ₹298.4 and the 52-week low is ₹190.7.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Bank Of Baroda is ₹1,20,383 ( Cr.) .

About Bank Of Baroda

Bank of Baroda (BoB) was founded by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad in July 1908. The bank is an Indian state-owned International banking and financial services company headquartered in Vadodara (earlier known as Baroda) in Gujarat, India. Its headquarters is in Vadodara and it has a corporate office in the Mumbai. Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank amalgamated into Bank of Baroda with effect from April 1, 2019. The amalgamation provides significant long-term benefits to the Bank and its customers.

The bank has been investing in technology to improve customer experience. Initiatives such as digitising account opening through TAB Banking, revamping its mobile application, centralisation of back office operations, setting up an Analytics Centre of Excellence (ACoE) and Baroda Kisan platform for its farmers are efforts in that direction. It is expanding its digital focus even further with setting up of a dedicated Digital Lending Department which will exclusively cater to digital on-boarding and processing of loans for Retail and MSME customers using internal and external sources of information and state-of-the-art machine learning and algorithms.

The Bank is proactive in its approach towards empowering the unbanked segment by offering suitable financial products & services and making them financially literate. The Bank is consistently working towards strengthening the financial inclusion initiatives by leveraging the Government’s Digital programmes.

Business area of the bank

Bank of Baroda is engaged in providing various services, such as personal banking, corporate banking, international banking, small and medium enterprise (SME) banking, rural banking, non-resident Indian (NRI) services and treasury services.

Awards and Accolades


  • Best Public Sector Bank under the category ‘Global Business Development’ by Dun & Bradstreet - Polaris Financial Technology Banking Awards 2013.
  • Banking Technology Excellence Award 2013 among PSBs by IDRBT.
  • MSME Banking Excellence Award-2013 as the Best Bank in MSME by the Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • ‘Excellence in Home Loan Banking’ Award by My FM Stars of the Industry.


  • Bank was awarded ‘Best PSU for MSME’ by India SME Forum at New Delhi.
  • The Bank of Baroda awarded Skoch Order of Merit in India’s Best 2014 Financial Inclusion & Deepening Awards 2014 by Skoch Consultancy Services.
  • Bank Ranked 21st amongst Best Indian Brands 2014 in Brand Equity - The Economic Times.


  • Bank of Baroda was conferred BML Munjal award in Public Sector Category for ‘Business Excellence Through Learning & Development – 2015’ at an award function held in New Delhi.
  • Bank was awarded HR Excellence Award by Businessworld for ‘Best initiative for Engaging Superannuated Employees’.
  • Bank was conferred the Best Public Sector Bank under the category ‘Global Business’ at the Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards 2015.
  • Bank of Baroda was awarded as First Runner up for ‘Best Financial Inclusion Initiative’ in the category of Large Banks by IBA during Banking Technology Awards 2016 at Mumbai.


  • Bank was awarded 2nd prize by Maharashtra State Level Bankers Committee in the area of Official Language Implementation during 2015-16 under Rajbhasha Shield Yojana under Public sector Category held in Pune.
  • Bank ranked 21st amongst Best Indian Brands 2016 in Brand Equity - The Economic Times.


  • Bank was awarded ‘Makers of Excellence Award’ under APY by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), Government of India.
  • Finnoviti 2018 Award for Financial Inclusion by Banking Frontiers.
  • Winner Award in ‘Agricultural Banking’ in the Large Bank category by ASSOCHAM in Annual banking cum Social Banking Excellence Award of 2017.
  • Silver Award for Best Social Media Brands under Bank category for 2017 by Social Samosa an Indian knowledge repository website on Social Media.


  • ‘Best Banking & Finance Legal Team of the Year’ award at the 8th Annual Indian Legal Era Awards 2018-19.
  • Leadership Capital and Out Performers awards at Atal Pension Yojana Awards 2018-19.
  • ‘Best Home Loan Products 2018’ at FE Best Banks Award 2018.
  • ‘Best PSU Bank under MSME’ & Best Bank Agriculture’ finance at Divya Bhaskar Eminence Awards 2018.
  • Best Performing Bank at the UIDAI's Aaadhar Excellence Awards 2018.


  • Bank awarded ‘National award for SHG bank linkage 2018-19’ by DAY-NRLM, Government at New Delhi.
  • Award from ‘Governance Now’ in 4th India Banking Reforms Conclave and BFSI Awards 2019 at Mumbai.
  • Bank awarded ‘The Experience Advantage for Delivering Lasting Moments’ (customer interactions) in the PSU category by Kantar IMRB.
  • Bank bagged Silver at SAMMIE 2019 - Best Social Media Brand Award (BFSI - banking category).
  • Bank was awarded the ‘Global - Lowest Gross Fraud (Issuer)’ by Visa at the Global Service Quality Awards 2018.
  • Bank received the IPE award for ‘Best Practices in CSR Awards-2020’ For Livelihood Initiative.
  • The Bank was awarded the FINNOVITI 2020 Award for its sound based payment system - ‘TONETAG’.
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