TTK Prestige Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 517506 | NSE: TTKPRESTIG | Consumer Durables - Domestic Appliances | Small Cap

TTK Prestige Share Price

619.10 3.95 0.64%
as on 21-Mar'25 16:59

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on TTK Prestige

Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

TTK Prestige stock performance -

P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
8,478.6 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is TTK Prestige Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is TTK Prestige Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that TTK Prestige Ltd is a good quality company.

2. Is TTK Prestige Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of TTK Prestige Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Undervalued zone.

3. Is TTK Prestige Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Weak which suggest that the price of TTK Prestige Ltd is likely to Fall in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of TTK Prestige:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
TTK Prestige Ltd has performed well in majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is very good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 22.5%25.3%23%38.3%26.9%20.7%22.8%25.2%19.8%16.5%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 1,3881,4881,6041,7461,9681,9372,0332,5322,6262,5012,507
Sales YoY Gr.-7.2%7.8%8.9%12.7%-1.6%5%24.6%3.7%-4.8%-
Adj EPS 6.68.3101213.714.316.421.118.717.216.2
YoY Gr.-25%21.2%20.1%14.2%4.4%14.1%29.2%-11.4%-8.1%-
BVPS (₹) 46.151.661.272.483.193.7106.6122.3137.4148.4137.5
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops. 67.578.116412789.8258243298229299-
Debt/CF from Ops. 0000000000-


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales 6.8%4.9%7.2%-4.8%
Adj EPS 11.2%4.6%1.7%-8.1%
Share Price 7.9% 6.1% -9.2% -11.3%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

No data to display

Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 11.30%

Sales growth has been subdued in last 3 years 7.15%

Net Profit has been subdued in last 3 years 1.70%

Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 0.88%

Latest Financials - TTK Prestige Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 16.2 15.5
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 2,507 2,688
BVPS (₹.) 137.5 140.3
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 1,869 1,908
P/BV 4.50 4.41
PE 38.22 40.03
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 583.00 / 1022.00
All Time Low / High (₹) 0.48 / 1269.60
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 8,479
Equity (₹ Cr.) 13.7
Face Value (₹) 1
Industry PE 59.9

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Sales (₹ Cr.) 580 2.6551 0.2709 3.6667 -2.9
Adj EPS (₹) 4.6 6.33.4 -7.14.2 -6.24 -12.8
Op. Profit Mgn % 13.50 -58 bps10.84 -92 bps10.68 -144 bps10.95 -143 bps
Net Profit Mgn % 10.88 39 bps8.50 -68 bps8.13 -96 bps8.14 -104 bps

Management X-Ray of TTK Prestige:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:70.52%Institutions:21.99%Non-Institutions:7.49%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec240%20%40%60%80%
Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of TTK Prestige

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spaceLock icon%
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Base EPS
spaceLock icon
spaceLock icon
MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
Base EPS ₹:
DPS ₹:
MOS (%):
Expected EPS Growth Rate:
Base 0%
Expected Rate of Return:
Base 0%
Future PE:
Base 0
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

TTK Prestige: Q2FY24 result update - 04 Nov 2023



(Rs. Cr)

YoY Trend





On account of delayed festive season 





-300 bps

On account of negative operating leaverage.




At par result. Competitive intensity at the bottom of the pyramid may lead to market share losses. 

TTK Prestige: Q1FY24 Result Update - 19 Aug 2023



YoY Trend





On back of demand softness and pricing-led competitive intensity




Result of negative operating leverage



-300 bps






Subdued result.

TTK Prestige: Valuation Update - 14 Feb 2018

TTK Prestige is a leading manufacturer of pressure cookers, non-stick cookware, induction cooktops, gas stoves and mixers. It is a market leader in pressure cookers, value added cook wares and gas stoves. Pressure cookers and cookware account for ~55% of the total revenues while the rest comes from home appliances segment. TTK prestige holds a market share of ~45% in pressure cookers segment followed by Hawkins which holds ~ 33%.

We believe that core strengths of TTK Prestige include deep entrenched distribution channel, strong brand recall, good customer connect and economies of scale. The company has been successful in getting products ‘first to market’ due its strong focus on R&D and new category creation. This gives TTK Prestige an edge over its competitors and unorganised players.

Indian pressure cooker market size is ~Rs. 1600crores which is dominated mainly by TTK prestige and Hawkins. Rural penetration of pressure cookers in India is just ~25%. Government of India has launched Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana which plans to provide LPG to 8 crore households in a span of 5 years. This will create a demand for pressure cookers and gas stoves from the rural areas. TTK Prestige plans to launch an affordable product at a lower price point under a different brand name.

In urban areas, the middle class and working women desire more convenience in cooking. This has led to increase in modern cookware products among the urban households. The brand consciousness among women will lead to volume growth of organised players including TTK Prestige.

We believe that TTK prestige is in a very good position to take advantage of the increasing demand of cookware’s and pressure cookers. By launching the entry level products, the management wants to maintain its market share in each category as a whole. This doesn’t seem to be a bad move as long as company maintains its operating margins and ROCE. This would be very rewarding for the shareholders.

In our opinion, the industry is likely to clock a double digit growth rate in cookware and electric appliances industry. TTK Prestige is likely to capture the growth by keeping its operating margin intact in the range of 12%-14%. Currently, the stock is trading at 43X-48X PE, which seems quite expensive. We revise our valuation upwards to Rs 4208/share.

Key Ratios of TTK Prestige

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Company Name CMP(₹)
Change ₹(%)
Market Cap
Net Sales (₹ Cr.)
Latest EPS (₹)
Net Profit Margin %
Latest P/E
Latest P/BV
Crompt.Greaves Cons. 362.5 5 (1.4%) Small Cap 7,313 8.2 6 43.9 7.2
Whirlpool Of India 981.7 -2.8 (-0.3%) Small Cap 6,333 21.1 2.9 46.7 3.7
Bajaj Electricals 596.6 14.7 (2.5%) Small Cap 4,641 9 2.9 64.7 4.5
IFB Industries 1,265.7 33.9 (2.8%) Small Cap 4,438 27.7 1 44.6 6
Orient Electric 214.7 -0.5 (-0.2%) Small Cap 2,812 3 2.2 70.9 6.8
TTK Prestige 619.1 4 (0.6%) Small Cap 2,501 16.2 9.5 38 4.5
Eureka Forbes 535.4 3.8 (0.7%) Small Cap 2,189 6.9 4.7 76.8 2.4
PG Electroplast 942 26.2 (2.9%) Small Cap 1,418 3.1 5.4 300.6 10.3
Stove Kraft 789.6 -9 (-1.1%) Small Cap 1,364 12 2.6 66.5 5.6
Symphony 1,156 2.5 (0.2%) Small Cap 1,156 26.5 12 43.5 11
Shows rows:

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 1,2361,3011,4051,5081,6781,6731,7182,1252,2652,189
Manufacturing Costs48444041474643565558
Material Costs7968879581,0051,1311,1161,1801,4831,5711,472
Employee Cost 104110121142165167167193205229
Other Costs 288260286321335344327393433430
Operating Profit 153187198238290263315407361311
Operating Profit Margin (%) 11.0%12.6%12.4%13.6%14.7%13.6%15.5%16.1%13.7%12.5%
Other Income 510714262528354375
Interest 8695654479
Depreciation 19212525263538424859
Exceptional Items 2-421290012000
Profit Before Tax 133167173351284248313396350318
Tax 415130949350781028979
Profit After Tax 92116143257190199235294260239
PAT Margin (%) 6.6%7.8%8.9%14.7%9.7%10.2%11.6%11.6%9.9%9.5%
Adjusted EPS (₹)6.68.310.218.513.714.317.021.218.817.2
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)28%27%22%13%18%14%29%28%32%35%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 6467238571,0061,1541,3011,4801,6971,9072,058
Share Capital 12121212121414141414
Reserves 6347118459941,1421,2871,4661,6831,8932,044
Minority Interest0000000000
Long Term Debt0000000000
Short Term Debt0000000000
Trade Payables106132145225193187228356246229
Others Liabilities 144142161175186222218233296328
Total Liabilities 8969971,1641,4061,5321,7091,9262,2862,4492,615

Fixed Assets

Gross Block430351420432471558587647733825
Accumulated Depreciation9321497499130162203248302
Net Fixed Assets337330371358372428424444486523
CWIP 33242161871024
Investments 2744172277321505613549472566
Trade Receivables159175199242288256272299306264
Cash Equivalents 30314298634097361578657
Others Assets668854586471108117107122
Total Assets 8969971,1641,4061,5321,7091,9262,2862,4492,615

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 677816412790258243298229299
PBT 133167173351284248313396350318
Adjustment 191128-10992072564158
Changes in Working Capital -47-64-3-23-11356-72-57-791
Tax Paid -37-36-34-91-91-67-70-96-82-78
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -13-6-152-20-18-226-202-208-167-185
Capex -19-17-25-16-56-55-27-29-65-67
Net Investments 20-32139-141-170-197-135-176
Others 511-95-5-1-29-5173458
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -59-71-5-110-44-57-64-87-62-105
Net Proceeds from Shares 0000000000
Net Proceeds from Borrowing 0000000000
Interest Paid -4-2-5-2-2-1-1-4-5-9
Dividend Paid -2700-38-42-50-55-76-49-83
Others -27-690-710-6-7-7-8-13
Net Cash Flow -428-328-25-23319
ROE (%)15.0516.9518.1527.6417.6616.2116.9418.5114.4612.06
ROCE (%)22.5225.3123.0438.2626.8620.6922.8125.2119.7916.54
Asset Turnover Ratio1.611.651.591.361.51.371.261.341.251.12
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)0.730.671.150.490.471.
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days40394046444542373737
Inventory Days70706972646763586261
Payable Days29405367676264727059

TTK Prestige Ltd Stock News

TTK Prestige Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of TTK Prestige on 21-Mar-2025 16:59 is ₹619.1.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 21-Mar-2025 16:59 the market cap of TTK Prestige stood at ₹8,478.6.
The latest P/E ratio of TTK Prestige as of 21-Mar-2025 16:59 is 38.22.
The latest P/B ratio of TTK Prestige as of 21-Mar-2025 16:59 is 4.50.
The 52-week high of TTK Prestige is ₹1,022 and the 52-week low is ₹583.0.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of TTK Prestige is ₹2,507 ( Cr.) .

About TTK Prestige Ltd

It was in the year 1928 that T T Krishnamachari, the first finance minister of India. founded TTK Prestige, one of the oldest business houses in the country today. Having initially pioneered and established a network of distribution, TTK Prestige moved to manufacturing, post-independence. Being a dynamic and fast growing company, it soon became the leading manufacture of Pressure cookers in India and offered the most comprehensive range of kitchenware in the world.

One of the main reasons why TTK attained its ‘leadership’ status is because it epitomised quality at an affordable price. It innovated and explored new business categories, all the while keeping its Indian identity intact. A company built on the foundation of trust, transparency and knowledge; TTK has grown to an impressive size today. It’s a 6000-crore group with 15 manufacturing units and 5000 employees. With products and facilities that enjoy international accreditations, TTK enjoys a presence in over 4,00,000 retail outlets across the country. Pressure cookers, toys, condoms, ready to fry foods; ball pens and cartography encompass some of the products TTK pioneers and deals in. And of course, it also has a strong business presence abroad and is associated with international organizations like SSL, Sara Lee, Dupont etc.

Setting up a manufacturing facility in Bangalore in 1949 kick-started the success saga that continues to grow more distinct by the day. Through the years, Prestige has always initiated numerous manufacturing and marketing innovations; be it something as unconventional as dropping pamphlets from a helicopter in the fifties or the popular “Exchange Schemes”, which have become the order of the day today, Prestige continues to give customers complete value for money.

In the 1990s Prestige introduced Manttra, targeting people abroad whose cuisine was compatible with pressure-cooking. It was well received. With leading chain stores like Macy’s, Target, Kohl, Walmart, K-mart and Sears stocking the brand, Prestige ensured that pressure-cooking as a concept came back into practice in the US. Continually adding more feathers to its hat, Prestige is getting bigger than ever. With strategic planning and sound market knowledge, today Prestige is truly an unstoppable force.

Prestige always stands for maximum value for money. The brand believes in this maxim to the core and it is visible in all its promotional campaigns A look at Prestige’s campaigns reveals a succession of innovative promotions. Their communications can clearly be differentiated from any other. Whether it was the ‘Jo Biwi se kare pyaar, voh Prestige se kaise kare inkaar’ commercial or the ‘first floor second floor’ or the ‘Muh khula, muh bandh’ television commercials, every advertisement has stood out in the crowd. Promotional campaigns like ‘happy exchanges offer’ have won regional awards. In fact, did you know Prestige pioneered the concept of ‘exchange’ in the kitchenware category in India and the rest followed.

Out of the box product and cutting edge television commercials have worked out very well for the brand and its promotions. Campaigns for Exchange Offers like ‘idhu eppadi irukku’ have increased the sales and also got lots of appreciation for the brand during the lean months.

These clever promotions helped media latch on to the concept and consumers started looking forward to these promotional activities year after year. There are many more, the latest being the ‘exchange anything for anything’ offer. An all- new concept, this offer promises the consumer complete freedom of choice. This enables the consumer to exchange any old kitchen product for any new Prestige product. This promotion excited the consumers as it was to their comfort and broke all rules.

One of the greatest recent achievements for Prestige is its entry into the non-south market. Having done its research, Prestige introduced an innovative cooker like the colourful Pressure Handis that compliment their style of cooking. Prestige is making its presence felt in the non-south market as well.

One Prestige Pressure Cooker gets sold in India every thirty seconds. Prestige added over 2.8 million customers in the year 2005-06, the largest in the industry till date. The company has the widest distribution network across the country in the kitchen appliances category. All pioneering efforts in this industry such as the introduction of the Pressure pan, Pressure Handi, Pressure Kadai, Metal spoon friendly cookware, Duplex gas stoves, Lifetime free service on mixer grinders were launched by Prestige  Prestige was also the pioneer in launching unique display contests for its dealers, with contests such as the “Display contest - Go for Gold”. The Duplex gas stove commercial created such an impact that people walked into Prestige Smart Kitchen outlets, asking for ‘first floor-second floor’ gas stoves.

Product range of the company includes:

  • Pressure Cooker
  • Deluxe, Popular, Money Saver, Nakshatra
  • Pressure Handi Deluxe, Nakshatra, Baby Handi
  • Pressure kadai Non-Stick Cookware, Omega select, Omega Die-Cast, Omega Deluxe
  • Elec. Appliances Mixer Grinders, Juicer Mixer Grinder, Rice Cookers, Champion Food Processors(M), Oven Toaster Griller, Irons, DryIrons, Steam Irons, Kettles, Sandwich Toaster, Pop-up Toaster, Hand Blender, Wet Grinder
  • 6 Gas & Glass Tops Conventional, Royale, Glass Tops
  • Microwaves, Hoods & Hobs Kitchen Accessories, Knife Sets, Kitchen Tools, Barbeque

Milestones & Achievements :

  • Prestige went right ahead and launched the Gasket release system that revolutionised the cooker category.
  • Deluxe was India’s first pressure cooker with the unique Pressure Indicator that serves as a visual confirmation when it was safe to open the cooker.
  • The launch of Prestige Omega and Omega Select - India’s first Metal spoon friendly non-stick cookware was another breakthrough and an unrivalled success.
  • Prestige was the first cooker company to offer a ten-year warranty on its Euroclad base pressure cookers as well as the first to offer lifetime free service on its range of mixer grinders.
  • Prestige was the first to come up with a host of innovations in consumer marketing in this industry with offers such as “On the spot exchange schemes”, “Exchange Anything for Anything offers”, etc.
  • All path breaking safety features in pressure cookers were introduced by Prestige – the Gasket Release System (GRS), the Gasket Offset Device (GOD), the Pressure Indicator (PI) and the Resettable Safety Device (RSD) .
  • TTK Prestige became the No.1 brand and market leader in India through 18,000 outlets serviced through a nationwide servicing network.
  • It is the first kitchenware company in India to receive the ISO 9001:2000 certification.
  • It is the first kitchenware company in India certified by international standards such as UL-USA and PED/CE certification by TUV, Germany.
  • 2010
    TTK Prestige Announces e-Commerce Alliance with
    The Company is launching a whole new range of pressure cookers and cookware with induction base using dedicated imported machinery.
    TTK Prestige - Launch of Microwave Pressure Cooker.
    TTK Prestige - Launch of New Range of Inner Lid Pressure Cookers - Prestige Apple.
  • 2012-13
    Superbrand Award
    Excellence In Improving Performance Through Leadership
    Corporate Leader Award
    Thought Leaders International Award
    Retail And Lifestyle Leadership Award
    Master Brand Award
    Retail Excellence Award
    Readers Digest Trusted Brand Award
    Most Preferred Kitchenware Brand Award
    Power Brand Award
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