Funds4Me - SIP in Direct Plan Watch Video
Build a portfolio of Top-class funds suitable for you

Select Your Age group*

*Please select correctly, as only one option is permisible.

< 30 30-40 40-50
50-60 > 60

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The recommendation you will receive here are for managing your equity investments. However you need to make Fixed Income investments in line with the asset allocation based on your Financial Plan*.

Here's how you need to plan your equity investments based on your age and when you will require substantial funds

  • *Do your Financial Planning using the MoneyWorks4me Financial Planning Tool available with Alpha Stocks plan.
  • For goals within 5 years invest only in Fixed Income Assets


Every fund is assessed on the following:
  1. Consistent Outperformers : Track record of having generated returns above a benchmark on a 3-year rolling basis. Consistent performers are Green, followed by Orange. Red have an inconsistent track record on outperforming the index.
  2. The average 3-year rolling returns number appears in the first button.
  3. Quality of Portfolio is assessed based on the quality of each stock held. Predominantly high quality stocks get a Green second button, followed by Orange and Red (large amount of risky stocks).
  4. Upside Potential : Every fund is assessed on what returns it could deliver in the next 5 years based on its
The funds selected are among the best in their category. They are usually Green on Performance which shows that they have consistently outperformed the index. From amongst the shortlisted funds the ones with a high average 3-year rolling returns - the number in the first button and a Green rating on Quality-the second button are preferred. Finally, the shortlisted funds are vetted by our analyst and the potential fund portfolios are checked using our Fund Portfolio Analyzer.
The objective is to have a well-diversified portfolio with funds that assures you of a stable growth through market and economic cycles and funds that enhance your portfolio returns over the long run. We construct portfolio with
  1. Core Funds: Chosen from Large cap, Large and Mid cap and Flexicap funds
  2. Booster Funds
    1. Choosen from Mid and Small cap funds.
    2. A Sector or Thematic Fund that is likely to outperform in the long term
Use the Fund Portfolio Analyzer, Sher-ya-Billi to check if your portfolio will deliver healthy returns or disappoint you. Go to Fund Portfolio Analyzer. You can also upload details of your funds in the Portfolio Manager and see the report on this page.
When adding a new fund check how different is the fund compared to your portfolio by using the link in the Right allocation box on the Fund Decision Maker.
Most investors have more, many more funds that they should-over diversified. This tends to reduce returns. Many investors have more of the same i.e. they have funds that have very similar portfolios and hence the fund portfolio is not well-diversified. Either there are too many large cap dominated funds or far too many mid and small cap funds. What you require is a good, balanced mix. Finally investors don't know when to exit a fund and end up carrying it even though the future upside potential is very low.
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