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Your Investing Superpower= Our Process + Research

ProvenProcess Proven Process

Our process-driven approach helps you eliminate emotional biases and avoid costly mistakes
so you achieve robust, long-term growth.

Quality at Reasonable Price


Identify Quality Companies

We select companies with strong business positions, high ROCEs, robust cash flows, and growth in sales and profits. We look for competitive advantages and reliable management.


Assess Stock MRP

We estimate the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) or Fair Price to guide our buy, hold, and sell decisions, aiming for significant returns.


Valuation Updates

We review & revise our fair value estimates based on the performance of the company and our analysis of the future.

UnbiasedResearch Unbiased Research

As a fiduciary, we guide you with your best interests in mind, relying on in-depth fundamental research rather than market trends. This ensures effective compounding and builds the confidence you need to stay committed through market ups and downs—setting us apart from brokers and fin-fluencers.

Super-Powerful Tools

From our Research Desk to Yours!

DeciZen Maker

Get to know the Stock’s MRP- it’s full and fair price, likely upside potential from CMP over a 5-year period, and it’s Long-Term Prospect before you get into details on our unique 10-year company X-Ray.

Superstars Select decision-maker

The Superstar Dashboard

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Superstar Dashboard

Analyst Corner

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Superstars Select core-dashboard

Q&A with Investment Counsellor

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Superstars Select core-dashboard

Additional Smart Tools


Additional Smart Tools

  • Relative Valuation
  • Quality, Valuation & Price Trend Ratings
    of 3500+ Stocks
  • Alpha Cases
  • Stock Screener
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Financial Planning Tool
  • Company's Color-Coded
    10-Year X-Rays

Why Superstαrs?

We enable you to become a Savyy Investor!

In addition to the tools, we provide you the knowledge resources to use these tools to their fullest!
Get access to exclusive courses and the practical investing handbook from our founder, Raymond Moses, as well as insightful blogs from both our founder and analysts. Get the right knowledge, skills, attitude, and tools you need to become a Super Investor.

Past Winners

It takes courage to buy stocks when there is no excitement (Low valuation) and it is painful to sell popular stocks (High valuation).
Our process of fundamental analysis and valuation driven approach makes us act counter intuitively by buying low and selling high.

Past Winners

*Past performance may not be an indication of future performance.

You choose what you want to invest in and
we will help you do it successfully!

Core Superstars

Core Superstars

  • Access to Core Stocks MRPs, Recommendations & Analyst Notes.
  • Opportunities from Large Cap companies that are robust and resilient.
Superstars Select

Superstars Select

  • Access to Core & Select Booster Stocks MRPs, Recommendations & Analyst Notes.
  • In addition to Core, this covers select mid and small cap companies recommendations to boost your portfolio returns.
Superstars Amplified

Superstars Amplified

  • Access to Core, more Boosters, & Amplifier Stocks MRPs, Recommendations & Analyst Notes.
  • Opportunities from all market- caps. Includes companies identified as Amplifiers which can deliver outsized returns.

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Investment Recommendation History

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Super Investor!

  • Absolute Valuation
  • Superstar Recommendations
  • Analyst Corner
  • Investment Counsellor Guidance
  • Email Alerts from Analyst
  • Data-driven Tools
  • Financial Planning Tool
  • Portfolio Builder
  • Online course
  • Handbook on Practical Investing


Our Core Superstars plan is ideal for everyone as it is the foundation that every strong portfolio needs. The Superstars Select plan is for investors with growing confidence in equities and share market. Superstars Amplifiers is suitable for investors with a large stock portfolio and understands stock investing risks. An investor who is comfortable allocating a larger portion of their portfolio to Boosters and having the patience to wait till amplifier stocks start performing. To know which Superstars plan is right for you, you can contact our investment counsellor on +91 8956769463 or mail us at and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Aspect With Superstars Without Superstars
Investing Knowledge Expert insights and advanced strategies Limited to personal research
Financial Models Proven, advanced financial models Basic or self-made models
Tracking Portfolio Precise, professional portfolio tools Manual or basic tools
Industry Report Access In-depth, latest/quarterly updated industry reports Limited or outdated reports
Conviction Long-term fundamentals based Short-term emotion based
Investment Process Structured, consistent QaRP-driven process Unstructured, variable approach
Experience 50+ years of combined professional experience Based on personal learning

You can contact our investment counsellors directly via call on +91 8956769463, WhatsApp on +91-9860359463, or email on They are available to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your investments.

Yes, you can upgrade your plan at any time to access more comprehensive stock recommendations and tools that suit your evolving investment needs.

The three plans differ in their scope.

Core Superstars is ideal for all investors, offering access to MRPs and recommendations for robust and resilient Large Cap companies.

Superstars Select is suited for investors with growing confidence in equities, providing MRPs and recommendations for both Core and select Booster Stocks, including mid and small cap companies as well to enhance portfolio returns.

Superstars Amplified is the most comprehensive, including access to Core, more Boosters, and Amplifier Stocks, covering opportunities from all market caps and targeting companies with the potential for outsized returns.

With any of our Superstars plan, you can build a portfolio of about 15-30 stocks.

Bluechip companies are well known, but having this list doesn’t translate into good investments unless they are bought at the right price. And very often prices of such stocks are high to very high, making it difficult to invest in them. Some ‘stable’ bluechip companies are at times so highly priced that future returns are likely to be mediocre for a few years.

From time to time, good companies are available at a reasonable price, but this is accompanied by some ‘bad’ news, and most people avoid investing in them out of fear. Such opportunities don’t feature in most model portfolios. Then again, even if one does own such companies, one may lose conviction to hold on to them when they run into a tough situation.

And lastly, figuring out at what price one should reduce or exit a stock and invest in another opportunity when there are no obvious performance-related triggers?

Our process-driven approach eliminates emotional biases, preventing mistakes. With our Quality-at-Reasonable-Price and ABC (mix of Amplifier, Booster and Core Stocks) Portfolio Building strategies, you achieve steady, long-term growth. We offer 3 plans to build your portfolio:

Core Superstars: Gives Opportunities from Large Cap companies that are robust and resilient.

Superstars Select: In addition to Core, this covers select mid and small cap companies recommendations to boost your portfolio returns.

Superstars Amplified: Gives opportunities from all market- caps. Includes companies identified as Amplifiers which can deliver outsized returns.

It is true that the multi-cap approach tends to earn higher returns than large-cap companies. But as a beginner in stocks or with a smaller portfolio, succeeding is more important than earning a higher return because that ensures you become a committed stock investor. A poor experience at this stage can put people off from investing in stocks, and that is a major loss. It is wise to own a predominantly large-cap portfolio as you can concentrate and learn about a few stocks and experience lower volatility versus a multi-cap portfolio. As your portfolio and experience grow, you can upgrade to a multi-cap portfolio.

Large-cap performance has been substantially higher than inflation and fixed-income options in all periods. The consistency in returns is much higher, with more than an 85% chance of a positive return over any 3-year period. Large-cap stocks generate returns in the range of 7-12-15% and with an average of 12%+ p.a. in the past. At a 12% CAGR, your investment quadruples (4X) every 6 years. With the Core Superstars philosophy of buying companies at the right price, this can further add to returns. These are very good returns to meet your goals.

At MoneyWorks4Me, we believe that multi-cap approach, mix of Core, Booster and Amplifier stocks, helps to achieve consistent performance with relatively less volatility. There is no point investing in an asset that is so volatile and inconsistent that you cannot stay invested in it to realize those high returns. A mix of Core, Booster and Amplifier stocks helps you stay invested and recover faster from correction.

Ignoring the Long Term: Equity returns are erratic; do not get impatient in down years. Even if you invested just before correction (it can happen because no one can anticipate correction) stick with equity for 3 years minimum. Add more in form of SIP during correction phase with whatever amount you can afford and lower your purchase cost. Markets tend to recover eventually which will recover your older investments and also earn handsome returns on investments made during correction.

Lack of Diversification: Most investors do not diversify adequately, instead concentrate in just 3-4 favourite stocks. Future is uncertain and you do not have all the information today. Do not leave investing to luck and get hurt concentrating in few stocks. Diversify as instructed, upto Maximum recommended allocation. While there are no guarantees on individual stocks, portfolio of stocks will deliver very good returns over time.

Failing to Act on Recommendations: It is not possible to develop high confidence immediately on BUY recommendation; buy the stock partially and add more, upto recommended allocation, as your understanding improves. If you miss any big winner, you will start lagging our overall performance.

Investing Funds Needed in the Short Term: Do not invest funds that you may need before 5 years. It is true that stocks will reward in 3 out of 4 years, but one bad year in stock market should not coincide with your goal that will make you sell your investments at loss. Set aside funds for short term goals and emergency in ultra-safe assets like Fixed Deposits or Liquid Funds.

Investing is a probabilistic field where you win or lose with no guaranteed outcome. Probabilistically, if you own a portfolio of good quality stocks, bought at reasonable prices and held for long term it is fair to assume you will definitely profit from stock investing.

Historically we had 85% calls turned into profits and 70% calls beat Index return. Investing is very rewarding as the calls that deliver positive returns ranged from 100-800% returns more than compensate for losses of 10-30-50%. Winners far FAR outweigh losers. So one has to consciously avoid looking at individual stock performance and focus on portfolio returns.

You can systematically buy stocks in Model Portfolio, or top stocks to add today. These stocks are mostly Quality at Reasonable Price with very good medium term prospects. For queries, call us at +91-8956769463 or mail:

Ask queries or seek second opinion on stocks/funds/asset allocation from our analysts. If they have studied, they will share their analysis on the same. You can ask these queries in our "Investors Day" which is held on 1st-10th of every month where we collect all queries and publish our answers for all to read, without disclosing your name.

The portfolio will comprise of mix of stable companies with high profitability and companies that are at the cusp of upcycle with strong medium term prospects. Most of the companies will be high quality when measured in Return on Capital Employed and high free cash flows. We do not participate in highly cyclical sectors like mining, metals or commodities as they do not deliver consistent returns.

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