Build your portfolio of top-class funds today.
Start systematic investing now!
Selected Screeners:
Plan: Direct PlanEQ ELSSFundEndType: Open EndedAUM: 1,000 to 1,00,000 Cr.Average Rolling 3 Years: 11 to 200%Every fund is assessed on the following:
Select the fund that is Green on Performance which shows it has consistently outperformed the index. Select one with a high average 3-year rolling returns - the number in the first button. And select one with a Green rating on Quality-the second button.
Use the Funds Screener and select the category. It shows the funds with Green on Performance and Quality right on the top. The ones with the higher average 3-year rolling returns are ranked the highest. Funds with less than 5 years returns history are colored Grey on Performance. Since the track record is not for an adequately long period they feature lower in the list.
Build a well-diversified portfolio with funds that assures you of a stable growth through market and economic cycles and funds that enhance your portfolio returns over the long run.
Use the Fund Portfolio Analyzer, Sher-ya-Billi to check if your portfolio will deliver healthy returns or disappoint you. Go to Fund Portfolio Analyzer. You can also upload details of your funds in the Portfolio Manager and see the report on this page.
When adding a new fund check how different is the fund compared to your portfolio by using the link in the Right allocation box on the Fund Decision Maker.
Most investors have more, many more funds that they should-over diversified. This tends to reduce returns. Many investors have more of the same i.e. they have funds that have very similar portfolios and hence the fund portfolio is not well-diversified. Either there are too many large cap dominated funds or far too many mid and small cap funds. What you require is a good, balanced mix. Finally investors don't know when to exit a fund and end up carrying it even though the future upside potential is very low.