Bosch expects to invest about Rs 400 crore in its operations this calendar year on the back of a robust demand for its products. The investment is about 33 per cent higher than the capex in the previous year. This is part of Rs 1,300-crore investment it has planned between 2011 and 2013.
Bosch has also posted a 45 per cent growth in net profit to Rs 859 crore during 2010 largely because of a 34 per cent growth in the automobile sector. Nearly 75 per cent of Bosch's total sales are from the automobile sector.
Bosch, which counts Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors as its customers, posted net sales of Rs 6,630 crore during 2010, which was a 40 per cent increase over the previous year. Exports notched up a 45 per cent growth while domestic sales grew about 39 per cent. Europe contributes about 60 per cent of total exports for Bosch. The company's diesel systems business posted a 52 per cent growth primarily driven by high demand from commercial vehicle and tractor segments while the automotive aftermarket business grew 24 per cent.
Company Name | CMP |
SamvardhanaMotherson | 149.40 |
TVS Holdings | 9561.95 |
Bosch | 31472.15 |
UNO Minda | 1058.45 |
Endurance Tech | 2075.55 |
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