Stock Screener

Selected Screeners:

Index: NIFTY 500
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A stock screener is an online tool that helps traders and investors filter/screen stocks on the basis of their certain metrics to shortlist few best stocks. There are close to 3000 stocks listed, it is difficult to explore best opportunities out of so many stocks. Stocks with key fundamental or price characteristics helps investors to cut down number of stocks to be research further.

While some trading platforms and websites charge users for this service, certain other online platforms, like MoneyWorks4me, offer lot of features of this service to users free of cost. Take advantage of these features and more to shortlist the best opportunities in the market.

Stock screeners in India can help you filter through a large number of stocks into a more manageable list that can help you perform further analysis and select the stocks to invest in. The three main benefits that stock screeners offer to users are as follows:

  1. Saves time: There are a number of stocks in the market. Researching every one of these stocks manually is no easy task. A stock screener can help you filter through a database of stocks based on the metrics that you choose. The more the number of filters you set, the fewer the number of stocks that will be produced.
  2. Removes risk of behavioural biases: Behavioural biases often lead investors and traders to make the wrong decision with regard to the stocks they choose. These biases are unconscious, and can be hard to detect. Using a stock screener eliminates this risk.
  3. Helps you research new stocks: If you were to manually research stocks, it is a given that you may end up looking past some promising stocks. When using a stock scanner, you may unearth investment choices that you may not have otherwise come across.

To use the stock screener, it is advisable to use one of the best stock screeners in India available on MoneyWorks4Me site. You will need to do as follows to use a stock screener:

  1. Visit and navigate to the Stock Screener webpage.
  2. Select either one or two parameters of your choice to filter the stocks.
    1. For instance, companies with MoneyWorks4me Green Colour Code generate good returns over long term. Similarly, smaller sized companies, high growth companies, lower valuation companies or companies with higher ROCE earn superior return over long term.
    2. In short term, stocks making new or 52 week high can have higher momentum can make a quick buck for traders.
  3. Using the screener you can scan through these numerous stocks very fast based on above key parameters and spot your next winning stock.

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