KEC International has secured new orders of Rs 246 crore in its Transmission & Distribution and Cables businesses. Under transmission & distribution businesses, the company has secured orders in India, the Americas, Philippines and Ghana amounting to Rs 179 crore. Under Cables Business, the Company has secured orders for the supply of Power and Telecom Cables. The total value of these orders is Rs 67 crore.
In India, the company bags order for supply, erection and civil works of 400 kV, 220kV and 66kV transmission lines. The order is secured from Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation and the order value is Rs 121 crore.
In Americas, the company’s wholly owned subsidiary -- SAE Towers -- has secured orders for the supply of lattice towers, monopoles and hardware from the United States, Brazil and Mexico. The total value of these orders is Rs 20 crore. In addition to the above, the company has also secured orders in India, Philippines and Ghana of total Rs 38 crore.
KEC International is a global infrastructure Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) major. It has a presence in the verticals of power transmission, power systems, cables, railways, telecom and water.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3535.25 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 393.30 |
NCC | 251.10 |
KEC International | 975.70 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1204.00 |
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