Bosch, auto component maker is likely to invest Rs 2,200 crore in India in the next two years to increase its production capacity and develop new technologies for the domestic market. The major portion of the investment will go on increasing the production capacities of its existing facilities located in Nashik, Jaipur and Ahmedabad.
The company will spend Rs 320 crore to support research activities in India, China, Germany and United States, out of which Rs 140 crore is dedicated for research activities at universities in India in the next 10 years. Out of the total investment, Rs 700 crore will be used in enhancing Nashik plant capacity while the rest will be spent on executing the expansion plans of other facilities.
The entity is also increasing the headcount to 32,000 associates by the end of 2013, in line with its growth strategy and expansion plans in the country. Currently, it has 25,000 associates working for Bosch companies in India.
Company Name | CMP |
SamvardhanaMotherson | 149.40 |
TVS Holdings | 9561.95 |
Bosch | 31472.15 |
UNO Minda | 1058.45 |
Endurance Tech | 2075.55 |
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