Trident is planning to invest another Rs 2,400 crore in its existing Madhya Pradesh (MP) facility in Budni. The company has claimed it would start commercial production from its Budni plant on October 7, 2014 to become world’s largest terry towel manufacturer. This new plant would make Trident the largest terry towel making company in the world.
The inauguration of this plant will mark the completion of first phase of composite textile project undertaken by the company in Budni. The company has already invested Rs 1,191 crore in the terry towel project at Budni.
Trident is the flagship company of Trident Group with its array of customers spread across 75 countries. Trident is a leading manufacturer of Terry Towels, Paper, Yarn and Chemicals. The company has emerged as one of the largest manufacturers of terry towels and wheat straw based paper manufacturers in the world.
Company Name | CMP |
Trident | 31.63 |
Filatex India | 53.62 |
Nahar Spinning Mills | 238.25 |
Sanathan Textiles | 350.65 |
Nitin Spinners | 404.85 |
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