Credit rating agency, CARE has assigned ‘A-/A2+’ rating to Gravita India’s long term/short term bank facilities worth Rs 14 crore. The ratings assigned to the bank facilities of Gravita India (GIL) favourably factor in its established track record of operations in lead recycling and smelting industry with wide geographical presence, experienced and professional management and its operational synergy with subsidiaries at multiple locations along with benefit derived from license for import of lead acid battery scrap.
Gravita India along with its subsidiaries has business across border in about 44 countries. The company deals in Lead and Lead related products. The major products of the company comprise of pure Lead, Refined Lead Ingots, Lead Alloy, Red Lead, Litharge etc. The company is also engaged into trading activities and supply of Lead plants and turnkey projects.
Company Name | CMP |
Hindalco | 589.65 |
Vedanta | 438.65 |
Hindustan Zinc | 438.00 |
Gravita India | 2257.85 |
Ram Ratna Wires | 535.80 |
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