ABG Shipyard has bagged an order worth Rs 970 crore from Indian Navy for construction of two cadet training ships. The shipping company has signed the contract with Ministry of Defence for construction of two cadet training ships for providing basic training to the naval cadets and trainees, to carry out disaster relief, search and rescue operations with the capability to carry light helicopter. With this the total order book of the company stands at Rs 14,890 crore.
The vessels will be approximately 110 meters in length and will be designed to achieve a maximum speed of 20 knots. With the state of the art infrastructure in place at its Surat and Dahej yards and having delivered more than 140 vessels worldwide, the company is now fully geared to build all kind of ships for Indian Defence Sector.
Recently, ABG Shipyard had been awarded industrial licenses for Design & Construction of Defence Ships from the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Upon receiving the award the company is qualified for building Naval Warships and Naval Support Ships etc., also Submarines and Underwater Vessels, Fast attack Crafts and Weapons and Equipment including their Mounts, turrets, launchers, etc., along with associated systems, sub-systems and all types of assemblies for Navy, Army and the Air Force.
ABG Shipyard is engaged in the business of carrying shipbuilding and ship repair business. The company has emerged as the largest private sector shipbuilding yard in India with satisfied customer base all around the world.
Company Name | CMP |
Mazagon Dock Ship | 2269.45 |
Cochin Shipyard | 1433.00 |
VMS Industries | 36.63 |
Knowledge Marine & E | 1920.30 |
Laxmipati Engineerin | 240.15 |
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