Credit rating agency, CARE has reaffirmed ‘BBB’ rating to Emmbi Industries’ long-term bank facilities worth Rs 101.06 crore. The rating agency has also reaffirmed ‘A3’ rating to the company’s short-term bank facilities worth Rs 1 crore. The reaffirmation of ratings assigned to the bank facilities of Emmbi Industries (EIL) continue to factor in the experience of the promoters in polymer-based packaging products and increase in the presence in the export market. The ratings also factor favourably reduction in the trading activity and moderate financial profile characterised by comfortable leverage and debt coverage indicators.
Emmbi Industries is engaged in the manufacturing of flexible intermediate bulk container (FIBC) / jumbo bags, woven sacks and various woven polymerbased packaging products. The company’s products are primarily used in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), heavy chemicals, poultry-feed, cement and fertilizers industry.
Company Name | CMP |
Supreme Industries | 4367.00 |
Astral | 1477.70 |
Finolex Inds | 209.55 |
EPL | 234.40 |
Jain Irrigation Sys | 72.36 |
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