Force Motors, a Pune-based commercial vehicle maker, has reported the production, sales and export of the products manufactured by the company during the month of May 2015. The company’s production of Small Commercial Vehicles (SCV), Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV), Utility Vehicles & Sports Utility Vehicles (UV & SUV) and Tractors stood at 8 units, 1,266 units, 555 units and 462 units respectively.
The company’s domestic sales for SCV, LCV, UV & SUV and Tractor stood at 8 units, 1316 units, 502 units and 350 units respectively, while the company has exported 3 units of SCV, 5 units of LCV, 12 units of UV & SUV and 7 units of Tractor in month of May 2015.
Force Motors is a fully vertically integrated automobile company, with expertise in design, development and manufacture of the full spectrum of automotive components, aggregates and vehicles.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Motors | 774.45 |
Ashok Leyland | 210.60 |
Force Motors | 6524.25 |
Olectra Greentech | 1353.80 |
SML Isuzu | 1333.55 |
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