GPT Infraprojects has bagged two orders worth aggregating Rs 125.30 crore. The company has bagged first order worth Rs 110.88 crore from Rail Vikas Nigam for construction of four-lane cable stayed road over bridge over Barddhaman yard in lieu of existing two-lane ROB Bridge no 213 of Eastern Railway in the West Bengal State, India.
The completion period for the project is 24 months and the order has been received in the name of GPT-Ranhill (JV). Further, with the completion of this order, the company will become one of the few EPC companies having experience for construction of cable stayed bridges, similar to the Bandra-Worli sea link in Mumbai.
The company has bagged the second order worth Rs 14.42 crore for construction of superstructure of New Br. No. 172 (2 x 9 x 30.5m through welded steel girder) and other ancillary works in connection with construction of Br. No.172 at Kilometer 110.704 from Khana on up and down lines between Swadinpur and Nalhati in Rampurhat - Barharwa section of Howrah division of Eastern Railway. The company has received the order from Eastern Railway and the completion period for the project is around 15 months.
GPT Infraprojects, the flagship company of the GPT Group was renamed to reflect the core areas of operation of the Company in the execution of civil and infrastructure projects, after the merger of Tantia Concrete Products and GPT Infrastructures. GPT Infraprojects operates primarily from two divisions - the Sleeper Division and the Infrastructure Division.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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