McNally Bharat Engineering Company has bagged multiple orders amounting to worth of Rs 49.21 crore. The company has bagged order worth Rs 14.04 crore from Neyveli Lignite Corporation, for a period of three years. The order bagged is for operation and maintenance of lignite and lime handling system of BTPP.
The company also has secured a deal worth Rs 2.20 crore from Essar Power Gujarat for providing services for operation and maintenance of Ash Handling Systems including HCSD system of 2x600 MW Essar Salaya power plants.
Additionally, a hefty order worth Rs 32.97 crore has been bagged from Hindustan Zinc. The order bagged is for the execution of Civil, structural and other allied works for expansion of Hydraulic Fill Plant Project at its Sindesar Khurd Mine,Rajasthan.
The company besides these orders, have also clinched few deals aggregating to the worth of Rs 17.21 crore from Bharat heavy Electrical (Rs 4.94 crore), Ideal Energy projects (Rs 10.18 crore) and Damodar Valley Corporation (Rs 2.09 crore) respectively.
McNally Bharat Engineering Company is one of the leading engineering companies. It provides turnkey solutions in areas of power, steel, alumina, material handling, mineral beneficiation, coal washing, ash handling and disposal, port cranes, civic and industrial water supply etc.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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