SRF has received an approval for three investment proposal worth Rs 394 crore. The board of directors at their meeting held on August 06, 2015 has approved for the same. The first investment approval is for setting up of a new greenfield packaging film line in the Domestic Tariff Area, Indore at an estimated cost of Rs 356 crore.
The second approval is for setting up of R-134a Pharma Grade Manufacturing and Filling facility as per cGMP requirement at Dahej, Gujarat at an estimated cost of Rs 26 crore. The third investment approval is for converting the HFC 134a plant at Bhiwadi into a swing plant to produce both HFC 134a and HFC 32 at an estimated cost of Rs 12 crore.
SRF is a leader in refrigerants, engineering plastics and industrial yarns in India. The company also manufactures polyester films and fluoro specialties. Besides India, SRF has a presence in Dubai, South Africa and Thailand.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Chemicals | 1015.00 |
SRF | 2672.25 |
Pidilite Inds. | 2958.35 |
Aarti Inds | 413.45 |
Atul | 6916.15 |
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