KEC International, an RPG Group company, has bagged orders worth Rs 1,018 crore. In the transmission segment, KEC secured three orders for the construction of 765 kV lines from the Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam (RRVPN), Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL, India) and Eskom (South Africa).
The RRVPN order is for construction of the line between Anta (Baran) and Phagi (Jaipur) for Rs 313 crore. The PowerGrid order for Rs 130 crore is for the supply and construction of a single circuit transmission line between Angul and Jharsuguda Pooling Station (Jharsuguda end). The Eskom order for Rs 97 crore will be for a 765-kV transmission line between Gamma and Kappa in South Africa.
KEC's wholly owned subsidiary SAE Towers has secured Rs 246 crore supply orders in Americas. The company has also secured orders worth Rs 97 crore for civil works from the Indian Railways. In the cable segment, KEC has got orders worth Rs 135 crore. With these orders, the company's order book stands at Rs 7,400 crore.crackcrack
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3466.30 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 360.45 |
NCC | 238.00 |
KEC International | 930.75 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1144.75 |
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