Coromandel International has resumed operations at its complex fertiliser manufacturing unit at Ennore in Tamil Nadu, which was shut down due to flooding in and around area caused by heavy rains in Chennai. The company has resumed its operations at manufacturing unit from December 14, 2015.
Disruption of operations in its Ennore Unit for a short period is not likely to have any significant impact on its turnover or profit. The company has adequate insurance cover against any natural calamities.
Coromandel International is the country’s second-largest phosphatic fertilizer player. Its crop protection business produces insecticides, fungicides and herbicides and markets these products in India and across the globe. The firm has also ventured into the retail business, setting up more than 640 rural retail centres in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Company Name | CMP |
National Fertilizers | 111.00 |
Coromandel Interntl. | 1920.60 |
Chambal Fert & Chem | 481.40 |
RCF | 168.35 |
Paradeep Phosphates | 109.05 |
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