Diversified EPC conglomerate, Punj Lloyd has received four highway EPC projects worth Rs 1555 crore in the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Punjab. The projects in Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Odisha have been awarded to the company by the National Highways Authority of India while the order in Punjab has been won from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH). Worth Rs 567 crore, the scope of work for the Bihar project entails four laning of 60 km of the Simaria -- Khagaria section of NH 31. The company was the developer for 140 km of the Khagaria -- Purnea section on the same highway.
The Chhattisgarh package, worth Rs 513 crore comprises the four/six laning of 48 km of the Raipur -- Simga soction of NH 200 in the State of Chhattisgarh. This contract includes the bypass and 22 supporting structures like flyover, vehicular underpass (VUP) and bridges. This section of NH-200 is the major power hub of India connecting the state capital, Raipur to Bilaspur through various industrial and commercial establishments.
In Odisha, the company has been entrusted with the rehabilitation and upgradation of four laning with paved shoulders of 50 km of the Talebani to Sambalpur section of NH 6 in the state of Odisha. The contract is worth Rs 392 crore.
The fourth contract in Punjab, won in joint venture with VRC Constructions, has been awarded to the company by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India for four laning with paved side shoulders of 35 km of the Tallewal -- Barnala section of the NH 71 in the state of Punjab. The construction of the Barnala bypass and 13 other supporting infrastructure including flyovers, VUP/passenger underpass (PUP), road over bridge (ROB) & bridges, also fall under the company’s scope of work.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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