Nalco plans to invest Rs 57,903 crore by 2020 on expansion, including the setting up of two large aluminum smelters in India and abroad. The Navratna firm would invest Rs 16,500 crore in Indonesia for setting up a 5 million tonne (MT) smelter, with 1,250 MW power plant. The other smelter of the same size would be built in Western Orissa in two phases, with 1,260 MW power plant at an estimated investment of Rs 16,345 crore. Besides, Nalco has plans to construct a new alumina refinery of 1.4 MT in Andhra Pradesh and 1,000-MW power project as independent power producer. Both the projects would require an investment of Rs 10,600 crore and the rest of the amount would be spent on existing projects.
The company is targeting a turnover of Rs 25,000 crore by then, with an annual aluminium production capacity of 1.7 million tonne. The company will also create three wholly-owned subsidiaries -- Nalco Metals, Nalco Power and Nalco International for entering other non-ferrous metals and energy businesses.The Orissa-based company, with an alumina refinery capacity of 2.1 million tonne per annum (MTPA) and an aluminium smelter of 4.6 MTPA, has recently completed its second phase of expansion at an investment of Rs 4,402 crore. Besides, it also has Bauxite mining capacity of 6.3 MT and generates 1,200 MW captive power.crackcrack
Company Name | CMP |
National Aluminium | 204.55 |
Maan Aluminium | 112.80 |
Arfin India | 34.25 |
Manaksia Aluminium | 30.79 |
Century Extrusions | 23.04 |
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