Berger Paints India is setting up a new production plant in Tamil Nadu with an investment of Rs 200 crore which is likely to be operational by next fiscal. The company that manufactures and markets a range of decorative and industrial paint products under various product brands is also looking to diversify into industrial chemicals segment in the long term.
The company is setting up a new plant in Tamil Nadu, which is likely to be completed by December this year, and would start production by early next fiscal. The investment will be made through internal accruals. The company currently has eight plants across India and the new one at Tamil Nadu will be the ninth. Besides expanding manufacturing capacity the company is also looking to diversify into industrial chemical segment in future. Increasing prices of crude and metals are putting pressures on the raw materials. In June, the company has taken about 8 to 10% price increase, and will take another similar hike, but post the Diwali season.
Berger Paints India currently spends about two% of its sales in marketing and advertising, which it might increase to three% in the next fiscal. For the fiscal ended March 31, 2011, the company's net sales stood at Rs 2,328.12 crore. The company expects about 15% sales growth this fiscal. According to the company, the total paint market in India is estimated at Rs 15,000 crore, including decoratives and industrial paints and Berger Paints currently enjoys 22% share of the total market.crackcrack
Company Name | CMP |
Asian Paints | 2334.40 |
Berger Paints India | 461.65 |
Kansai Nerolac Paint | 257.50 |
Akzo Nobel India | 3643.95 |
Indigo Paints | 1330.00 |
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