Tata Motors launched two new bus models, Divo and Starbus Ultra, priced, respectively, at Rs.66 lakh and Rs.15 lakh (ex-showroom New Delhi). The two models will cater to the growing needs of urban public transport. With the introduction of the Tata Divo and the Tata Starbus Ultra the company will more comprehensively address the burgeoning need of public transportation.
Divo is a luxury air conditioned coach for inter-city passenger transportation and tourist operations. The bus's design component comes from the company's Spain-based subsidiary Hispano Carrocera. On the other hand, Starbus Ultra is meant for intra-city transport and is available in luxury, standard, school and deluxe variants.
Tata Motors will increase output of light commercial trucks from its Pantnagar plant in north India by up to 90,000 vehicles per year from early 2012. The production rise will take the plant's annual output to around 450,000 vehicles.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Motors | 790.40 |
Ashok Leyland | 234.00 |
Force Motors | 7322.70 |
Olectra Greentech | 1488.40 |
SML Isuzu | 1466.30 |
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