Credit rating agency, ICRA has reaffirmed the long term rating of ‘AA+’ with stable outlook for the Rs 31.00 crore limit of Non-Fund Based Facilities of Bata India. The rating agency has withdrawn the credit rating of ‘AA+’ assigned to the Rs 25 crore limit of Fund Based Facilities of the company, as there is no amount outstanding against this instrument. The rating agency has also withdrawn the credit rating of ‘A1+’ assigned to the Rs 40.00 crore Commercial Paper Programme of the company, as the said instrument has not been placed by the company and as such, there is no amount outstanding against this instrument.
Bata India is engaged in the manufacturing and retailing of footwear and accessories for women, men and kids. The Company offers various categories for women and men, which include chappals, closed shoes, sandals, formal shoes and sport shoes.
Company Name | CMP |
Bata india | 1417.95 |
Relaxo Footwears | 606.00 |
Campus Activewear | 281.80 |
Liberty Shoes | 475.65 |
Khadim India | 353.90 |
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