Va Tech Wabag has bagged record orders worth Rs 5,000 crore in FY 2016. This is the highest ever order intake clocked by the Group in a single financial year.
The Exim Bank of India funded Polgahawela Water Treatment Plant order has been brought into the company's Firm order book, following the signing of the loan agreement between the Water Board of Sri Lanka and Exim Bank of India earlier this month. The order is worth $108 million and is the second order secured from Sri Lanka by the company through Buyers Credit, the first one being the Dambulla order, which is at an advanced stage of completion. The scope includes Design, Construction, Testing and Commissioning of an Integrated Water Supply Scheme for Polgahawela and adjoining areas.
VA Tech Wabag is a leader in the Indian water technology market and currently holds a market share of around 14 percent. The company has consolidated its’ specialist reputation through a number of innovative and path-breaking projects in the fields of water treatment and wastewater recycling.
Company Name | CMP |
VA Tech Wabag | 1518.30 |
Race Eco Chain | 337.50 |
Antony Waste Hand | 612.25 |
RESGEN | 105.65 |
GEM Enviro | 134.00 |
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