Trident (TL), the leading textile player is likely to invest Rs 3,600 crore for setting up a new manufacturing unit and expanding existing yarn facilities at Budni in Madhya Pradesh. The company aims to double its annual turnover to around Rs 9,000 crore in the next three years on the back of the planned expansion.
The company also plans expansion of yarn spinning facilities with an investment of Rs 1,200 crore and the balance Rs 2,400 crore will be for an integrated textile facility. This expansion is expected to be completed by third quarter of 2013 and it (the new unit) will be one of the largest integrated home textile manufacturing facilities in the world.
The funds for the proposed expansion will be a mix of debt and internal accruals. Company will get funding from institutions (debt) worth Rs 2,000 crore. Rs 1,400 crore will be from internal accruals and the remaining from a strategic partner. The new facility will make terry towels, bed sheets and yarns. It will target Australia, Europe, Japan and New Zealand.
Company Name | CMP |
Trident | 31.63 |
Filatex India | 53.62 |
Nahar Spinning Mills | 238.25 |
Sanathan Textiles | 350.65 |
Nitin Spinners | 404.85 |
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