CRISIL Research has assigned a CRISIL IER fundamental grade of 2/5 to Emmbi Polyarns. The grade indicates that the company’s fundamentals are moderate relative to other listed equity securities in India. The research agency has also assigned a valuation grade of 5/5, indicating that market price has strong upside from the current levels.
The grade takes into account Emmbi Polyarns focus on increasing the revenue share of higher-margin specialty products, which contributed 14% to FY11 revenue. The grade also factors in the company’s decade-old healthy relationship with some of the leading MNCs like Hindustan Unilever and ITC, which ensures repeat business.
Emmbi Polyarns manufactures, sells and exports bulk packaging products like FIBCs and other woven polymer-based specialty products in India and abroad.
Company Name | CMP |
Supreme Industries | 4367.00 |
Astral | 1477.70 |
Finolex Inds | 209.55 |
EPL | 234.40 |
Jain Irrigation Sys | 72.36 |
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